It might be rare in history, Pandora's key, the mystery.
It came to me with ill intent, preparen't my ass was; to defend.
The key took steps; throughout the day, with skips and hops; it knew the way.
It wont be stopped; not even late, preparing for; my dreadful fate.
Miss nature; in; with grace she leaned, filled up her lungs and banshee screamed.
Kick off the keys malignity, my life goals shift: "keep dignity."
The wind blew by; I bumped; I bashed, I shoved aside; I fell; I crashed,
through everything; that dared to ask; that had the balls to cross my path.
I don't recall, how did I make it? cause at that time; awareness faded.
My hands placed firmly; on the walls, as echoes danced; my screams; my bawls;
I saw the light, I felt my soul, the key unlocked Pandora's hole.
The peace now gone; as it began; my eyes rolled back; in tongues I sang.
In twisting halls of agony, the flows starts strong; more came to be.
What sourced the reason to transpire, such violent movements; burning fire.
I pass the thought, my posture meek, vile; ghastly; things, flow out for weeks.
I stress the sewage treatment system, the world unites; collective wisdom.
T'was naught enough, the flow kept on, the end began, our chances gone.
Our country's first, more to come to pass, the world snuffed out, Pandora's ass.