Paradise Lost

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"Invar, there's no easy way to say it but, your sister, she's missing." Invar felt his heart hasten its beating.
"How do you know that? Maybe she's just taking a few extra days. You know Sari, she likes to hunt in the deeper forests. She's been gone longer than this before. Remember two autumns ago when —"
"Invar! Listen to me. One of the patrols found this on the morning watch." His father handed Invar a bronze arm brace bearing the sigil of house Talaus. "Only me, you, and Sari have one and seeing as we're both wearing ours there's no one else this one could belong to."
"How do we know this is genuine!? Any half-decent smith could —" Invar's father grabbed him by his shoulders.
"Invar! Listen to me! The patrol didn't find a body, Sari could still be out there. You're not doing anyone any favors making excuses."


Invar let out a huff, covered his mouth and nose, and nodded.
"Listen to me carefully Invar. We are going to find Sari. Even if we have to turn over every stone from here to the coast, we'll find her. But to do that, I need everyone on hand. Do you understand me? Everyone. You need to pull it together if we're going to find your sister. Understand?" Invar let out another huff and returned his gaze to his father's.
"Good man. Now get yourself to the stables. Corporal Dmerti and his scouts are waiting for you there. Go with them and help them with the search. Understood?" Invar straightened his back and dropped his arms to his sides.
"Yes sir" Invar said as he raised his fist to his chest. The constable let out a faint smile.
"Dismissed." Invar turned and marched to the stables, dropping his posture and picking up his pace once out of sight.


Invar nearly tripped over an uneven floor-stone in his rush.
"What could have happened? Why would a bandit leave her arm brace at her camp?" None of that mattered right now. All that mattered was finding Sari, or at least finding out what happened to her. Invar hastily regained his composure as he reached the stables. "Reporting, as ordered." Invar said, raising his fist to his chest with a pant.
"Mount up soldier, you're on point." Dmetri said. "The faster we start, the better our chances." Invar and the scouts mounted their horses and spurred them onward. The beasts let out their grunts as they came to a gallop. The usual laws against such speeds didn't matter now, not to the constable and certainly not to Invar. The party took off after their lead and were soon on the old imperial highway. The highway would take them the better part of the way to the woods, were they could begin their search in earnest.

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