Brave New World

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Invar sat against the rock and stared into his captor's eyes.
"You're not going to try to kill yourself in the river again? I think you'd succeed this time."
"Sari? How in the —"
"Look. You;ll need to save your questions. Right now we need to get to someplace safe where we can rest. On your feet, soldier boy." Sari said as she gave him a light kick. Invar sat still whether from shock, injury, or anger he didn't know. Sari let out a sigh as she rolled her eyes. She leaned down, picked up her brother in her arms, and set off down the river bank.
"I don't know if I should be disgusted or embarrassed"
"Shut up or you're walking." Sari said without looking down at her brother.
"I'm sorry, how in the tri-fold hell are YOU the wronged party here?" Sari dropped Invar into a bush without hesitation.
"Get up. We still got a ways to go oh self-righteous one."
"Y'know, my ears were just starting to stop ringing."
"Cry me an ocean. Just do it after we get somewhere safe." Invar pulled himself up and dusted off. Taking off after his sister. "Keep up will you brother? I want to get to safety before the sun sets."
"You might recall I have half the legs you do. Why is that again?"
"Tri-fold hell, Invar. Later."


The pair followed the Vosti until the sky bled. With their remaining daylight they managed to spot a plume of smoke piercing the canopy. Sari cantered up a hill for a better look. Invar hobbled up after her.
"Hunter's shack. Perfect" Sari said with a smirk.
"Yeah. Perfect place to alert anyone within a day's ride of an aberration roaming the woods."
"Not to worry, They won't be going anywhere. Not tonight."
"Ah. The smokehouse."
"Precisely. You're up, brother." Invar made his way to the a rack where a fresh buck was being drained. He spattered a few handfuls of blood across his face and the torn parts of his clothes.

Satisfied he looked the part, Invar made his way to the lodge itself.
"Help! Somebody help!" The hunters wasted little time coming out to see what the commotion was about.
"Calm down lad. What's troubling ye?"
"A pack of wolves! My sister! She's still out there! I'm begging you, please help her!" The hunters grabbed their bows and followed Invar out of the clearing. The moment the group entered the clearing Invar grabbed the bow of the hunter closest to him and pinned him to the ground.
"Now!" Sari rushed out from her hiding place, knocking down the two remaining hunters. With the other hunters down, Invar began to choke out the one he had pinned. Sari gave one hunter a swift kick with her hind leg, knocking him out. The last hunter scrambled to get up but no sooner had he reached his feet than Sari struck him across the face with her club.
"Just like old times eh brother?"
"I don't recall you being a centaur back in training, sister." Sari let out a huff.
"Come on. Let's get these lads situated." The pair dragged the hunters to the smokehouse and locked them in for the night.

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