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Meeting Up The Pub

In the world of JauVon

Visit JauVon

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The Pub

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Up ahead was the pub, a busy place for the time of day. Likely because it was also an apothecary. The sign above the door read 'Thirsty And Such. Pub and Apothecary' There were little adverts for the medications they carried and the sorts of drinks they served hanging about the outside of the place and the two large windows in the front showcased all sorts of scrumptious looking candies.

Darc nodded to the man guarding the door and gestured to his two companions. "They're with me, if you please."

"Are all pubs this guard heavy? Good thing I don't try going very often, I'd never get in anyway." Ron commented, seeing the exchange.

"Well it's an apothecary, I do believe I mentioned that. The owner has some medical training and all that." Darc explained.

"Hate for her to get pincushioned, am I right?"

"Coar.. please. You are being simply dreadful today." Darc flushed and stopped to cover his face for a moment. "I would like very much if you didn't bring that up again."

Ron seemed to think on it for a moment. Ora could almost see the gears turning in her head. And suddenly she went from lost to abashed. She must have forgoten that Doctors had to be very careful not to get kidnapped. As a mechanic it likely never crossed her mind. He couldn't help but grin though, enjoying all the faces she made.

She gave him a mini glare, then her expresion lightened. Oh an idea hrm? He wanted to know what it was. She smirked and turned to Darc. "I think he should buy you a drink as an apology for torturing you so. Don't you think?"

"Quite right, quite right." Darc agreed, glad he had ally. "I have been very much looking forward to this for far to long, my dear boy, please don't make me regret bringing you along. Well regret it more than normal I mean."

Ora gave Darc another pat on the back and gestured to an empty spot at the bar. "Drinks on me I then. Order whatever you like Ronwea."

"Oh! What a lovely name. You know I don't think we've had a proper introductions. That simply won't do." Ah introductions, uncle Darc was in his element now. "Darc Wecd at your service, it's a pleasure and a delight to have finally made your acquaintance." He took his hat off in a sweeping flurish and bowed, before smiling up at her. "Let us have a drink and perhaps a bite to eat then, and I'll introduce you to my friends! If you wouldn't be too terribly bothered by that."

"Oh uh... not at all?" Ron didn't seem that enthusiastic meeting a bunch of strangers, but was to polite to refuse. She slid onto one of the bar stools and eyed the menu.
"Think I'd be able to get a sandwhich out of you as well?" She asked.

"You can have anything you like, as long as you promise to eat it with me at a table instead of here at the bar." Ora could have easily just said yes, and he had considered making a joke out of it being his punishment, but the idea to get her alone for a bit struck him and he ran with it. "I admit I was hoping you'd come along so I could eat lunch with you."

"Don't want to share her company with me I see." Darc adjusted his glasses and gave a sniff. "I do believe our little Coar is growing up. Or so I might, if he wasn't such a misbehaving miscreant."

"He's redeemed himself a little bit with paying for drinks though right?" Ron took his side for a moment before giving a nod to his question.
"Alright fine. The bar is kinda a little too open for me anyway."

"Excellent!" Ora rubbed his hands together. "I never said you couldn't join us, Doc." He winked at Darc before sauntering to a table and taking his time getting comfortable.

Ron sat across from him. She got up again suddenly and he was half worried she'd changed her mind. But when she started removing removing things from her pockets he calmed. Must not be very commftorable sitting on a screwdriver and a couple of large bolts.

"Arg, forgot I had those." She put them on the table, sitting down now more comfortable.

Ora grinned and reached over to fiddle with one of the bolts. "How's the little purple puffball doing?"

"Don't lose that." She pointed at him, giving him her serious face. It softened up though, when he asked her about Jakob.

"Jakob is doing good. I made him a little robot the other day and he seems to like trying to rip it back apart. Hopefully that means he wants to try making his own?" She laughed at herself.

"Could be, I hope so. That would be so cute, you two making robots together. Mind if I come visit him some time? I wanna see how he's doing. I'm sure my dad would love an update on the little guy." He passed the bolt back to her and waved down a waiter so he could order some food.

Ron wiggled in her seat, a delighted look on her face. He had a feeling it was more for the idea of Jako getting into robotics than it was for him coming to visit. 

"Hrm? I suppose you can, as long as you try to behave this time. Why don't you bring your dad? If he's so interested in knowing how he is."

"Are you implying I was ill behaved last time?" Ora snorted in amusement. "I'd love to bring him, but he can't leave his work. I'll let him know you said hello though, if you like. Maybe someday I can bring you to visit him."

"When aren't you misbehaving?" She rolled her eyes at him. 

"I do sleep now and then." He grinned, enjoying the banter while he could.

"Oh no, I believe you do mischeif in your sleep too. You just don't know it since you are passed out." She waggled her finger at him.

"What's your father's job that he has to be working all the time?" She didn't seem to be buying his explination.

"Oh Saw? He's a doctor, works in Bhcu Cuhcil. Government job, keeps him busy." He shrugged.

"Ah! That explains why he can't come see Jakob himself. Well no worries then, I don't want to be responsible for him getting whisked away."

"Poor Dad, he doesn't get out much, I try to bring him presents so he doesn't feel he's missing out on things. If little Jako makes him a present I think that would make his month."

"Give Jako more credit here. Anything that he makes will make his entire year." She said, crossing her arms and puffing up abit.

"I see, terribly sorry, didn't mean to downplay his craftsmenship." Ora laughed. "In my defense Saw does get distracted by his work easily."

"Hrmm... I suppose I can accept your apology... if you pay for dessert as well." She tapped the menu, pointing to the dessert section.

"Now, I do believe, I did say you could get whatever you wanted already. So you'll have to think of another punishment."

"Oh! Hrmm..." She thought hard on what could be punishing for him, "I doubt you'd stop using ducttape on your ship even if I threatened to kick you off your ship in space... hrmm..." She was really giving it her all to come up with something.

"Ah! I have it!" Ron snapped her fingers as she had an idea. "No table dancing for a month!"

Ora laughed again. "Alright I think I can handle that. You better hunt me down and slap me if I forget."

"You bet I will, and no trying to trick me back out of it either." She waggled her finger at him.

"If it keeps you paying me attention then its a win in my book."

I apologize in advance for any terminology getting tossed about that may be unfamiliar.
  The two terms used here without context are Benuov and Dejuov. They're races in the setting, think little bird person and little lizard person.

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