Gwenifreya: Father

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Gwenifreya woke up in a building she didn't recognize. A thin blanket was draped over her as she lay on the floor. She felt awful. She sat up and looked around to find herself surrounded by people in like positions. Many were injured or wounded, but it didn't seem as though anyone was seriously hurt. She knew this wasn't everyone, though. Before she could get up or move further, a girl, perhaps thirteen, approached her in a white smock stained by dirt and blood.

"Slow down. How do you feel? What's your name?" She poked and prodded Gwen experimentally, seeming to look for any unusual reaction or pain.

"My-my name is Gwen, Gwenifreya Lleanne. I-I feel tired... and hungry." She smiled weakly.

The girl muttered to herself. "No serious injuries. Memory seems intact. Hungry. Alright, Gwen, I'll get you some food. You stay here and rest for a bit. Okay?" Gwen nodded back, and the girl left.

After a deep breath, Gwen looked at her hands. They were scraped, covered in small bits of dried blood and scabs, and shaking. She brushed her face, rubbed at her eyes a bit, and saw a flash. The bodies, the blood, and jumped. The memories of the last few days became clearer as she woke up, but she wished they would've stayed forgotten. She couldn't cry, the horror had passed. The siege had passed, and she could rest again.

The girl brought a bowl of broth and vegetables to her. "Eat slowly for a bit. You may not be able to keep it down if you do."

"Thank you." Gwen began eating immediately. She did her best not to eat it all in one go. It was simple and plain, but it reminded her of home. Memories of cooking with her mother returned, adding too much salt and making the soup inedible, of adding sticks and leaves to make a fairy soup. This soup was far better than anything they had made together.

Reinvigorated by the soup, she got to her feet and found them uncertain under her feet. The girl who had helped her earlier was about to give her support but stopped as Gwen steadied herself. "Thanks for the soup. I'll get out of your way here." She turned to leave, then turned back. "Do you need any more help here?"

The girl shook her head. "No, we're managing. You just find your parents and help put the city back together." She smiled a bit.

"Right. Thank you." With that, Gwen left. She made her way through the city's ruins back to the shop, only to find it half destroyed. She held back her tears. She didn't want to waste them on things.

"Mr. Sazanov! Dad! Are you here? Hello?!" A few looked at Gwen, but the neighbor approached. The middle-aged woman smiled softly at her.

"Gwen. I'm glad to see you're alright."

"You too, Mrs. Havgon. Have you seen my father or Mr. Sazanov?" She asked politely.

"I haven't seen your father. But I saw Pyoter head off for the docks a short while ago. I believe the evacuees were returning, and he wanted to find Katarine and Mark." She smiled a bit more to hide her fatigue.

"Thank you, Mrs. Havgon. If my dad comes by, can you tell him I'm fine and where I'm going?"

"Of course. But do be careful. Some people may be a bit crazy for a bit."

"I will. Thank you." And she runs off towards the docks.

When she reaches the docks, she finds them sitting down, dealing with their son, and resting. Gwen runs up to them. "Hey, you made it through okay. I'm glad. I was worried. C'mere." He holds his arm up, and she agrees, hugging them, and them hugging her back.

"Thanks. I'm glad to see you three are safe also. But, have you seen my dad?"

Pyoter and Katarine looked at each other then back. "We haven't. Try the Palace; they may know where he is." Gwen wasn't satisfied with that. They wouldn't have time for her probably. But it was worth a shot. And she could get the things she lent to Saphira and Takeshi back.

She sighed. "Alright, I'll try there. Thanks for the help and I'm glad all of you are safe." She turned back to make the walk to the palace. She was getting worried now. The city was big though, he had to be here.

She reached the palace quickly and quickly sought out Saphira. She looked exhausted, and Gwen didn't blame her. Blood was caked onto her hands and clothes, she was doing her best to heal people, but could only do so much before overusing her magic would begin draining her physically. She took a few deep shuddering breaths before she looked towards Gwen and noticed her.

"Hey, you're okay Gwen. That's great. Are you here for your things back?"

"Yes, but I wanted to ask you for help. I'm trying to find my dad, but I haven't seen him. He was part of the labor groups, but I haven't seen him yet." Gwen fails to keep a growing quiver out of her voice.

Saphira wipes a layer of sweat from her forehead, and the traces of tears from her eyes. "I need to recover my mana. I have time to help you." She stands, her legs shaking from the effort. "Let's get your things and find your father. Also, Thank you for letting us borrow them. The Spell Cloth was very useful, though I'm afraid I stained it with... with blood. Most of it has washed out, but there's not much we can do easily. Only time and use will remove them eventually. As for your mother's notebooks. They were wonderful. They helped Takeshi a lot. It was thanks to them that he was able to make that last spell." She lead them down the hall, and into a library. On one of the tables was her Spell Cloth, which now had pink stains marring it. Beside it was her leather bound tomes, with bits of parchment and paper scattered about. "It cost him a lot though."

Gwen turned to her, concern painting her face. "Is he alright?"

Saphira continues walking and grabs the top book, still open to a page. "He's much better now. He gave his all, and he saved us. I'm sure Heaven has given him the rest he's earned." Saphira turns back a sad smile on her face that was cracking. Gwen doesn't know what to say. "But, he wasn't the only one. Everyone gave all they could, and some gave everything the had. The King, his sons, Takeshi, D-." Saphira couldn't finish and began crying. The tears no longer held back, she couldn't stop herself. Gwen didn't hesitate to rush to her and hold her.

Even though she was older, more mature, she cried like a child. Gwen was shaken by her cries, but didn't stop hugging her. She didn't know what else to do. Saphira wrapped her arms around Gwen and squeezed, it wasn't much, but it was something.

They sat on the floor for a minute before Saphira regained some composure. "I-I'm sorry. You had to see me like this."

"Don't apologize. You lost your friends, people special to you. You deserve to have someone here when you need it." Gwen smiles, trying to cheer her up.

Saphira sniffles a bit and rubs at her red eyes. "We barely know each other, and yet you're being so nice."

"I think you'd do the same for me." The words slipped from her mouth and she realized what she said. She was afraid Saphira would be doing this for her too soon. "Now, come on. We should go."

Saphira nods, taking a moment to readjust her blouse and clean her face before continuing. "Yes, we need to find your father." Saphira handed the remaining books to Gwen and then led her out.

It didn't take much longer for them to reach the leader of the labor groups. The details of what he said didn't matter, what did was that Saphira was there to comfort her.

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