Sage KaijuKojin
Kaiju Kojin

Table of Contents

Room 3 & 4 - Boys Will Be Boys Room 5 - Zelligar's Victory

In the world of The Realm of Ard'Vanwa

Visit The Realm of Ard'Vanwa

Ongoing 283 Words

Room 3 & 4 - Boys Will Be Boys

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Laughter erupted from the dining hall as demi-human slaves delivered the meals from the kitchen across the hallway.

The dining room was spartan in appearance but filled to capacity with about a hundred men, all who had sworn loyalty to their leaders, Rogahn the Fearless and Zelligar the Unknown. Sitting on Rogahn and coyly feeding him was his mistress, Melissa. 

The three of them had traveled together for some time and attracted quite the following. Now, they have moved into their dream stronghold; Quasqueton. 

Quasqueton was built using the funds from their various adventures. Every copper they had as a group went into the construction of their stronghold. It's mostly unfinished, as they discovered a vast cave network on the second level. 

"Oh fair mistress!" shouted Erig over the crowd, Rogahn's trusted Captain. "Regale us with a song!" 

The rest of the room erupted in cheers and pounded their pewter mugs on the spartan wooden tables and stools. If one were to look about, the only real embellishment was the large back oak chairs that the two masters of Quasqueton sat upon. 

"I'll entertain once you clean up," Melissa she chided, shooing the crowd. 

She giggled at the sight of a hundred rough and tumble men meekly cleaning up their plates and bowls, washing them, and placing them in the proper bins for the slaves to take back to the kitchen. 

Melissa stood from Rogahn's lap, and extended her hand to him, allowing his escort to the lounge. The room was connected to the dining room by a south door. 

The small antechamber was rectangular and had a long bench that wrapped around three of the four walls. There was no other exit except into the dining room. In the northeast corner were barrels of ale, rum, and wine tapped and ready to go. 

As the men filed into the lounge, they all grabbed mugs from a line of wooden pegs that had been installed above the wrap-around bench, filled them up, and took a seat. 

Rogahn and Melissa were the last to arrive, but Zelligar must have gone back to his studies. 

Melissa was handed a small lute, and she took a stool from the dining room and placed it in the center so everyone could hear. 

"So what shall the tale be today?" She queried her boys while she tuned the lute. "Dragons, battles, brotherly bonds, or love." 

She drew out the last word and got a reaction with the crowd, who whooped and whistled. She smiled coyly and blushed. 

"Love it is..." She said and strummed softly.

"A pretty young maiden who’s fair and new."
"Sits in a gilded cage while she sings a sweet tune."
"Many suitors did her father peruse."
"He soon shall steal her dreams away."

"She wished for a strong knight, which was taboo."
“She dreamt and imagined his arrival at noon.”
"A brave and kind man she smiled and she mused,"
“She imagined all he'd portray.”

“Debts of her father had greatly accrued,”
“And gave her hand to a man whom she hardly knew”
“For family and riches! Her father excused,”
“But our maiden has run away.”

“Send hunters and hounds! Frantic orders grew”
“He was filled with spite and his ego was bruised”
“She could not have left the grounds! He accused,”
“But, the maiden had fled that day.”

“Dogs searched the alleys, and guards filled the streets,”
“Their searches were thorough and very complete.”
“They even searched in her own bedroom suite,”
“But, her flight was child’s play.”

“Outside the castle like the wind she fled.”
“Searching for a concealed place to rest her head.”
“Her shoes were broken and both her feet bled,”
“At last she reached her hideaway.”

“Scared, dismayed, weary, sad, and alone.”
“It was clear her future would never be her own.”
“And yet her fate was hers and hers alone.”
“A choice must be made, without delay.”

“Into the wilderness, she ventured that day,”
“Lost in her mind, unaware of danger at play.”
“Fleeing her pursuers was a mistake,”
“When she realized she lost her way.” 

“Reaching an overgrown clearing and pond,”
“Not alone, our dear maiden, was quick to respond,”
“Toward the two men, she carefully trod.”
“And she had found her knight that day.”

“Handsome, strong, and trustworthy she could swear”
“As she met the gaze of the knight on the pure white mare.”
“He listened to her tale with all her flair.”
“And vowed that he would make them pay.”

“That eve as she gathered wood for their camp,”
“A hunter followed the scent and set up a trap.”
“And before she even noticed the scamp,
“He snatched her up and stole away.”

“Learning the news the brave Knight fumed with rage,”
“He vowed to track and to lock them all in a cage,.”
“With him came along the rampaging sage,”
“And her village met its doomsday.”

“Her father pleaded and her mother begged.”
“The maiden was wounded deep and wished them both dead.”
“Her knight moved his sword to lop off their heads”
“Her conscience caused his sword to stay.”

“In the brave knights' arms, her dream did come true.”
‘[“And into the mountains, where she met all of you!”
“My life now is filled with adventures, treasures, and even a coup!”
“I learned that love will save the day.”

As the song finished, a somber air filled the room as most of her boys were teared up. She smiled and looked to Rogahn, who was not in his seat. 

“He left halfway through your song,” Erig said, after taking her lute and placing it on the mantle. She smiled and rested her hand on his arm reassuringly. 

“I know,” she said. “I’ll sing it for him later. He must be busy.”

“He’s always busy,” Erig said. His steel-blue eyes burned with passion. Melissa placed her palm on his cheek. 

“You feel warm, take care of yourself.” She said and exited the lounge. She followed the winding passageway to her room. The echo of her boots sounded off, and abruptly spinning around, she saw Erig close behind and was matching her steps. 

“Can I help you with something Erig?” She asked. Her face wore a smile, but Erig’s behavior was starting to wear on her. 

“No Ma’am, just heading to my quarters.” he continued. “Is… everything all right?” 

“Just as fine as it was when I left.” She continued. “I’m just tired… taking care of your lot is exhausting. Good night Erig.” 

She waited for Erig to walk past her and sheepishly enter the doorway that led to the workshop and his quarters. 

Letting out a deep sigh, she rubbed her temples to chase away the headache and moved into her room. She had hoped to find Rogahn in her chambers. She suspected why he had left… and Erig’s behavior was becoming… she didn’t even know how to describe it.

She moved to the north wall of her room and pressed a secret latch that led into a hallway that linked her chambers and Rogahn’s. She was always a private person, and Rogahn was insistent on keeping her close by. She wished she could sleep in the same chambers… but it was hard. 

Rogahn had fought many battles, and their ghosts haunted his sleep. She pressed her hand to her stomach where a scar from his knife hid beneath layers of silk and cotton and smiled. An old wound commemorating her new life. 

As she made her way into Rogahn’s chambers, she heard him talking to Zelligar. The two friends looked up to her and continued the conversation as she took her seat on Rogahn’s lap. 

“You’re jealous.” Zelligar chuckled. “All brawn and no brains.” 

“I’ll wipe that grin off your face.” Rogahn threatened, Zelligar opened his arms invitingly.

 “You only wish you could defeat me.” he chuckled. “I stand by my statement. You… my friend… are jealous.” 

“I can crush and rend every man here…” Rogahn shouted. “They are my brothers, my friends… and yet.” 

“You… are… jealous.” Zelligar chuckled. “I’ll prove it.” 

Zelligar stood, and moved in front of Melissa, and extended her hand. She coyly took it and allowed him to stand her up from Rogahn. 

“For science…” Zelligar said. “May I have a kiss?” 

Melissa didn’t need to look, but she felt Rogahn’s rage at the mere thought. But, she saw where he was going with his ploy, and did as instructed, giving Zelligar a soft peck on the lips. 

A clay jar shattered against the wall a foot from Zelligar’s head. 

“ROGY!” Melissa shouted. Rogahn was beet red, and his hands trembled with rage. “Zelly, you… you did enough. Just go.”

Zelligar escaped out of the hidden door and back into the main hallway. 

Rogahn’s rage was legendary, but over the years, she’d learned to tame it… and enjoy the process.

Zelligar grumbled and fumed through the hallways of Quasqueton. He mumbled to himself and threw cantrips left and right out of sheer annoyance. 

Most of the inhabitants of Quasqueton were Rogahn’s allies. He was the only magic user in a stronghold full of muscle brains… and the biggest one was storming his way.

“Where’s Rogahn!” Erig shouted. Zelligar held back the urge to liquefy the underling. Rogahn liked this one and had even given it a trinket for its services. 

“He’s being calmed down after a simple experiment,” Zelligar said… and a thought struck him. With a coy smile, he added. “Mistress Melissa is… assisting.” 

Erig lashed out and swung at the sage. A laughable attempt at a haymaker. Rogahn had struck him harder during their sparring sessions, and while a sage he may be… weak he was not.

Eric’s chainmail-covered fist met with the wall behind Zelligar. He winced in pain and was suddenly airborne, repeatedly being slammed into the ceiling and fell ten feet back onto the floor. Zelligar was sure he heard something break. He didn’t mean to overuse his levitation ring, but in all honesty… he really didn’t care.

“This was your first and final warning.” Zelligar threatened. “Raise your hand to me again, and Rogahn will not save you.”

Erig rolled over and spat out a tooth. He glared daggers at the sage, who met it with a coy smile and a raised eyebrow. Erig broke his gaze away and submitted himself to his better. 

“Good dog,” Zelligar said, patted his head, and left. Erig actually did something useful. He may have figured out their little problem. 

“No,” Melissa said with a mouthful of chocolate. “And this is a terrible bribe.” 

“You’re still eating it,” Zelligar commented and helped himself to one of the chocolate confections he had saved for such an occasion. He moaned in pleasure as he ate the truffle. “Clearly this has to be made by the Briarstouts… only halflings can make truffles this good.” 

“Yea, do you know how hard it is to get this up here? It’s a two-month wait to get it shipped to Threshold.” Zelligar sat across from her on her bed. He had explained his idea to her first and hoped she’d bring Rogahn in. “I hate when you use me like that… tell him yourself.” 

“And what happened last time we broached this subject? I almost got my head taken out by a clay jar!” Zelligar shouted back. 

“You would have been fine… better than the way you left Erig.” Melissa chastised him. 

“He is trouble… and you know it. Rogahn is a sentimental fool.” Zelligar snapped. “And you let him off too easy.” 

“Says the man who has an 80-foot mural of rage in his room.” Melissa chuckled. “And what do you know about that?”

“I am Zelligar the Unknown… I know all,” he said and dramatically waved his arms and ate another piece of chocolate. “You know… I can add a chocolate pool in the pool room.”  

“You altered a magic mouth spell didn’t you?” she said. “You have like… ears all over the place.”

“No! But great guess.” Zelligar said. “I was actually leaving you and your meathead when the little meathead was whimpering over you.” 

“Zelly! He was not!” Melissa denied and chuckled. “Okay, maybe a little… but I sort of get it. We’re days away from civilization, and there’s nothing but men around here. I’m surprised you’re not climbing up the walls.” 

“I don’t climb walls, and I’m in control of my faculties enough that I don’t need to rut around like a wild boar,” Zelligar said. “Nothing against wild boars.” 

Melissa blushed. 

“Please, don’t put that image in my head now,” he said. “Now, about my plan...” 

“No, we’re not going to capture a caravan of elf maidens… even if they’re full of wanderlust,” Melissa said. “Do you  realize what would happen if you did that?” 

“The palpable level of testosterone would drop to a manageable level?” Zelligar shrugged. Melissa glared at him. “Fine… no sex slaves.” 

“Personally, I wouldn’t mind having a few more women around here.” Melissa said. “And if someone finds one of our boys nice, then good for them!” 

Zelligar stared at Melissa like she had grown a second nose. 

“You really are ignorant aren’t you?” Zelligar stated dryly. 

“I am a fair maiden of no ill repute.” She joked.

“I’m going to Threshold in the morning for supplies,” Zelligar stated. “Accompany me and we can hire some help. I’m sure we can outbid the wages of a few bar wenches or something to keep the hyenas off you.”

“Zelly, I know the boys, and I just…” she started to say.

“Are you jealous too? Afraid our little strumpet will catch the eye of Rogahn?” Zelligar chided. 

“What time do we leave?” Melissa growled. 

The duo left early in the morning. She let Rogahn know where she was going, as not to worry him. He assured her he wasn’t concerned and felt sorry for anyone who attempted to rob her, but his eyes told a different story. 

He’d have come along if Zelligar wasn’t accompanying her. 

“It’s only for a few days.” She said and mussed his hair. It was funny to see such a fearsome fighter like Rogahn looking sheepish and blushing in front of his men when she kissed his cheek.  

The small squad of guards accompanied their wagon and Zelligar went back over the plan. 

“So, I’ll cast sleep…”


“I have four bags of holding…”


“Woman… you are maddening! Can’t we just bag the first female we see and just let her loose in the stronghold? We can place bets!” Zelligar cackled with glee.

“Zelly!” she chastised. 

“Fine… sorry… people… are people... not random experiments... I know.” Zelligar grumbled. 

On the road to Threshold, they came across a small tavern. The “Red Dragon Inn”. Music erupted from the open doors as a patron left. As the doors swung shut, the merriment muffled.

“Shall we take a break?” Zelligar suggested. Melissa shrugged. 

“Sure, but no kidnappings!” Melissa said. 

“Now you want to involve children?!” Zelligar exclaimed loudly in faux-shock. Melissa covered his mouth to shush him. 

“Will you shut up!” She said through gritted teeth. 

The two of them entered the tavern and took a seat. The menu was standard, and they ordered some mead and meats. A serving wench provided the meal while Zelligar and Melissa looked upon the platform as an elvish woman of ravishing beauty took the stage. 

The elvish woman danced to the rhythm of the cymbals and pipes playing behind her, building up a feverish fever of intricate movements. Her hips swayed, belly danced, and arms moved like snakes. 

The entire dance was mesmerizing, and the crowd was silent during the climactic finish. Everyone was stunned but erupted in thunderous applause. 

“I’ll get the bag…” Zelligar whispered and rummaged around his robes. Melissa slapped his hand. 

“No!” She whispered harshly. “You put your bags away this instant!” 

“You realize I’ve liquified assistants for less…” he growled. 

“I will talk to them… see if they can perform at the stronghold once a week or something. Maybe a change of scenery will help them say yes... and that bag of gold on your hip.” 

Melissa left a grumbling and broke Zelligar and talked to the performers. 


Dinner at the stronghold was just as rowdy, loud, and obnoxious as every other dinner. Rogahn’s followers drank, fought, and ate to their heart's content. Melissa smiled to herself and hoped her boys would enjoy the treat she’d gotten them. 

“SING!” one shouted as plates were emptied and mugs were drained. “A song!” 

Melissa chuckled and shooed at them in jest. But she relented and stood from her seat on Rogahn’s lap and stood in front of her boys. 

“Before you’re entertained, what’s the rule?” She chastised. They knew, and she knew, but it was a game they liked to play, so she’d play along. Everyone scurried to clean their plates and mugs and rushed into the lounge. 

As the last ones took their seat, a murmur of confusion came from the men. Melissa was not taking her seat. Instead, a sumptuous elvish woman with long curly black locks who wore a long skirt, and a halter top entered the room and took the usual spot of their den mother, who took her seat on Rogahn’s lap. The elf jingled with each step, as her outfit was covered in bells.

Each jingle silenced more and more of the boys as each one slowly became mesmerized.

“I am Princess Kezia of the Wandering Elves… and I’m here to perform.” She said seductively and bowed. Melissa chuckled and wondered how she didn’t spill out of her top. Something she’d have to ask later. 

She wore no shoes, and her slender toes pointed in an elegant fashion as she raised her leg over her head and balanced on one foot. 

Everyone was silent at the display of agility when music erupted from the band behind her. 

As she moved through the lounge, she took her time with everyone and seemed to make them feel like they were the only one on her mind. She stayed on Rogahn’s lap and looked at him. His eyes averted and cheek beet red. She giggled and gave him a kiss. 

“Wanna get out of here?” she whispered. He nodded, and they left out of the secret door behind the barrels of ale. No one noticed their absence. 

Zelligar was leaving the pool room and heading back to his library when he heard giggling in the halls. Rogahn and Melissa were hand in hand, sneaking around. Zelligar watched his friend open a passage and disappear behind it. 

Shrugging it off, he continued to the library when the sound of bells approached him. 

“It seems like a good idea to keep bells on your kind after all… shouldn’t you be gone? You were paid, you did the services required, or did you get lost and need an escort?” Zelligar said, and continued to the library. He didn’t need to look to see the elf was following him. “What… do you want, and answer quickly before I stuff you in a bag of devouring and place bets on how long it takes to disappear you!”  

“We’ve set up camp in the woods so we can perform easier for you… and I just wanted to meet you.” She said coyly. Her blue eyes wide as saucers, and with a pout. “You’re Zelligar the Unknown… We’ve heard stories of you in camp.” 

“And you’re… what title did you call yourself… oh, Princess Kezia? Mind if I ask what royal lineage you come from? I’m sure I can send a few letters and find out…” Zelligar retorted and continued his brief pace. He smiled inwardly hearing the bells frantically keeping up his pace. 

“Sir… I just…” the elf stammered and grabbed his sleeve. In mere seconds a wand with a glowing tip was inches from her face pointing between her eyes. 

“Do you know what an orb of destruction is… little elf?” Zelligar growled. “Disturb me again and you will have intimate knowledge of one as I test its limits on you!” 

Zelligar slammed the door in her face.

The free elves set up a semi-permanent settlement outside Quasqueton. The performances started weekly but became an almost nightly event. Zelligar had instilled enough fear with everyone at their camp that no one wandered aimlessly about the stronghold, but they were allowed shelter in the event of an emergency. 

Their princess was quite popular with the boys, and Melissa felt relief when she saw Princess Kezia during dinner sitting next to Erig. She nudged Zelligar and motioned with her head to the couple. 

“That’s… not going to end well.” Zelligar chuckled. “Rogahn, want to make a wager?

“No…” Rogahn said solemnly, She wondered what was bothering him. Since Kezia had arrived here, things had been going well. The boys had been behaving and she hadn’t had to deal with any unwanted attention… and clearly, Princess Kezia was used to dealing with their antics.

They’re good boys, she’d made sure they learned to be respectful. She couldn’t see any of them actually trying to hurt Kezia. Most of the time they were just falling over each other trying to get her attention.  

She sighed… 

Boys will be boys…

Zelligar awoke with a start. Melissa was on top of him shaking him awake. 

“Get up you lazy good for nothing… You don’t label anything!” Melissa continued to shake him. 

“I’m up!” He screeched and shoved her off his bed. She flopped on his floor with a hard thump. 

“OUCH!” she exclaimed and rubbed her rump. 

“What did you expect me to do?!” Zelligar exclaimed and hastily dressed. “Being woken up by a crazy woman… what’d Erig do now?” 

Melissa stood up, all jovial expressions went from her face. 

“The bitch is sooo dead...” 

Princess Kezia smiled to herself. Her plan was working! She couldn’t believe her luck when Melissa and Zelligar himself entered the tavern and requested the performance. 

And, where Zelligar was… Rogahn was as well. 

Their names were barely known when her wanderlust hit but led her to her tribe of free elves. She truly was a princess, but she’d left that behind to be free. She had to find him. 

She remembered the man who stood up to her father and forced his hand during the barbarian invasions… His power was intoxicating. 

She coyly slipped through the shadows in her cloak. She had no bells on this time, silly wizard. Just because he could cast a few cantrips and had a library, he didn’t even begin to understand the depths of her royal knowledge. 

She could see all the magic eyes, ears, and mouths fitted around the stronghold. She’d spent weeks mapping out the place, learning where to move, and getting everyone accustomed to her bells.

She didn’t regret what she had to do to get here. That simpleton Erig and his other followers were easy fools. A smile or giggle will swoon them, such easy toys to play with, but something she easily got bored with. Humans were fun and full of passion, unlike elves who could see over longer distances of time… the short lifespan of humans was perfect. Not long enough to lose your sense of wonder, but long enough to teach his wisdom to others…

She giggled to herself while wondering how to make humans pets. If you looked at it the right way, humans have dogs as pets… and the lifespan of humans and dogs match up to elves and humans… so why not? 

The tinkle-tinkle announcing her arrival, it was always a thrill to see them trained. Ring the bell, and they get a treat… 

Tonight is my treat… 

When she found the letter, she had to re-read it. It took a while to find Rogahn’s room, sneak in, and leave her “offer” of a private performance under his pillow. 

She didn’t understand why his mistress was in a room on the other side of the stronghold, She never saw them go into each other’s rooms.

Her heart went out to her beloved, it was clear that the woman who hired her had an iron grip around here, and didn’t take care of her beloved. She was ecstatic to find a reply the next night under her pillow!  

It was poorly written and crude, but one couldn’t expect royal elegance from Rogahn the Undefeated… and soon to be conquered.

A tingle shot up her spine at the thought and hastily made her way to the lounge.  

Rogahn was already there. 

His massive form sat in his chair, his throne as he faced the empty seats where his men listened to his every word.

But now, they were alone. His lapdog was no longer holding them back.

“My… lord.” She said as she entered the rectangular lounge. She took a deep bow and coyly smiled. “You requested a private performance? I am here to humbly serve you.” 

“I… hope this isn’t an awkward question,” Roghan asked. He was blushing! She wondered how badly his mistress was treating him if a little embellishment made him blush. “Umm… how do you keep them from falling out?”

“A simple trick really… as you can see, this string here keeps everything secure…” And with a small tug, the effect was demonstrated as her chest fell out of her long sleeve tunic. She looked up and half attempted to cover herself, “Oh dear…”  

Rogahn gave her a seductive half-smile and said nothing. Just feeling his gaze wash across her body was a testament to Lir herself and filled her with music. She wished Rogahn could hear the music of her goddess when it filled her so… the only way to share it was through dance, and expression… and what she felt was magnificent. 

They never touched, but this performance was her magnum opus. Her clothes loosened and she freed herself of their bonds. Her soul was connecting to the man she’d yearned for… the one who caused her wanderlust…

It was Lir’s will that they were here, and be united as one. 

As her dance finished, she stood in the center of the room, her arms openly thrust out beckoning Rogahn to her. She closed her eyes as he stood from his chair… waiting for his embrace, to take her and claim her as one of his prizes…

There was a flash of light…

“There you are…” Zelligar exclaimed out of breath. Rogahn looked at his friend and over to the woman… or the statue of her likeness. “You ran out so damn fast... DID YOU USE MY BEHOLDER EYE!?”

“She wanted to be the center of attention,” Rogahn said, his face slowly returning to its original shape… Mistress Mellissa’s. “Now she is.” 

Melissa looked at the petrified elf, her face forever locked in a moment of ecstatic anticipation. 

“Make her dance…” was all Melissa said and shut the door. It sent a chill up Zelligar’s spine. 

“Yes ma’am,” he said with a chuckle and rubbed his hands. 

Dinner was a solemn event. The news of the Free Elves moving on sadded her boys. The jovial attitude and rowdy comradery was replaced with sullen faces. She gave Rogahn a quick embrace and hopped off his lap. He looked quizzically at her and she put her finger on his lips to shush him. 

“Oh boooys!” She said cutely. “It’s time to clean up… oh.” 

Everyone had already cleaned their plate and glumly moved into the hall to go about their nightly activities.

“So I guess you don’t want a performance…” She said with a shrug plopped back on Rogahn’s lap. “Momma had a special surprise for you…” 

The news perked everyone up. She pointed to the lounge and giggled at the stampede. Rogahn looked at Zelligar who chuckled and shrugged. 

 A marble statue of Princess Kezia stood affixed to the middle of the room. Everyone was shocked to see such a stunning and… revealing likeness. 

“Princess Kezia was quite saddened to leave, but she’s a free elf, and so that’s their nature.” she solemnly said. “But, I know how much she meant to everyone, and she agreed to allow Zelligar to make a likeness of her for us. And, as I’m sure you all know… he’s made some… improvements.” 

The sound of bells hauntingly tinkle from an unknown ethereal source. The torches lighting the room flickered as ghostly music came from the statue and it began to move and dance. The music-filled everyone’s soul and could feel the longing, and yearning she felt.

Melissa felt it too, but she watched with a stone-cold expression. Rogahn moved and excused himself, but she stayed behind to watch the performance. 

It was the exact one the elf had given to her alone. 

“How did you know the dance she gave me? And where is the music coming from?” Melissa whispered to Zelligar who chuckled. 

“Beats me… it’s those damned elves. The music and dance are all her own. I did nothing but animate the stone.” Zelligar said. “I’m looking forward to furthering my research on her.” 

“Is she still alive then?” Melissa asked coldlyly. Zelligar shrugged. 

“You blasted her point-blank with a beholder’s stone gaze… I turned that ugly abomination into marble and gave it your command word… the rest is her. She really could be frozen in that moment, reliving that dance whenever you release her… or she’s forced to dance the last thing she did and is fully aware of everything.”

Zelligar chuckled to himself. 

“Sometimes I scare even myself.” 

The performance was over, leaving Princess Kezia's eyes closed with the yearning expression just before Melissa blasted her with Zelligar’s stone gaze. She thanked the boys and shooed them out, ordering them to bed and assured them she’d clean up. 

Zelligar excused himself as well. He slowly shut the door and chuckled, hearing Melissa pour a pint of ale and scrape a chair into place.

“Free… Elf.” she growled… and music filled the room. Zelligar shut the door and shook his head. 

“Boys will be boys… but girls will be girls too my dear.”    


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