1 - Encounter with the Tranquil Blade

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Kaitlyn stood atop a hill and surveyed the terrain below. She watched the 6 able-bodied men the village could spare enter a formation, preparing to face off against roughly 30 mercenaries and ruffians. Her boots sloshed noisily through puddles as she nervously paced, debating a course of action. Combat was not her strong suit, no matter what anyone or any wanted posters of her suggested, but she couldn't bring herself to leave the village in such dire straights, especially when those mercenaries were searching for her. She shuddered to think of the fates of the men guarding the village, and of those of anyone left when they would inevitably fall.

She stopped pacing and sighed deeply from beneath her hooded cloak, finally deciding on a course of action. She blinked, and her golden eyes began to shine like the light of a small sun. She felt the now familiar flow of magic envelop her entirely, its warm, tingling sensation slightly comforting against the chilly wind. 

A ball of flame, summoned at her whim, formed in her right hand. It started small, the size of a candle's flame, then slowly grew, stopping once it was comfortably palm-sized. She wasn't entirely sure if her fireballs would reach, or if they could change the outcome of the impending battle, but she had to try. 

Steeling her resolve for the imminent violence, she spread her feet and planted them as firmly as the mud would allow. She raised her hand, fireball at the ready, and...


She froze. Someone had found her. They managed to sneak within a casual conversation range while avoiding the puddles and other water hazards brought by the previous night's rains, and essentially announced themself. It was 'may I please have your attention,' with the subtext of 'you could've been dead by now.'

Kaitlyn felt a drop of cold sweat run down her back, and another down the side of her face. She lowered her hand, keeping the fireball, but shrinking it so that it posed no danger to her cloak. She then slowly turned around, letting the glow from her eyes fade, and easily found the interloper.

Dark clothes, muddy boots, and a long cloak that obscured most of their figure. Not much different from her attire upon first look, but she paid more attention to the differences. A thicker, sturdier build, nearly a full head taller than her despite the narrow tri-corn hat shadowing the upper half of their face, and most surprisingly, a casual stance.

Their voice confirmed their sex, "Kate, The Wake of Embers, right?" A man, by the sounds of him.

Another bead of sweat ran down her back. The only people who called her that, or by name at all these days, were people who did not have good intentions for her. The difference this time was that this person seemed unusually carefree, as if the job was all but finished. 

He maintained a respectful distance, waiting for the answer he knew would come. She obliged, "I'm Kaitlyn, and I assume you are not here for my benefit."

He shook his head, "'Fraid not. You've caused quite a bit of trouble, ma'am, and I'm here to put a stop to it."

"Excuse me?! Ma'am? I've only seen 17 summers and am childless!"

His body language revealed his surprise as he stepped back slightly. His mutter was carried on the wind: " What? She's younger than I am?"

"I suppose I am. I assume Kazamir sent you then?"


"Then why aren't you down there with the rest of them?"

"Cuz I'm what you'd call a 'specialist'. I don't waste my time looking aimlessly."

"How'd you know that I'd be here, and if you're here, why send the rest?"

"Cuz they ain't smart enough to get personal information about the target. You don't seem to like being around people, so you had to be a ways off. There ain't many places to look from 'round here." He motioned to the surrounding area. There were only 2 other hills, and they weren't far. Anyone with half a brain and a semblance of understanding of her would've figured it out.

"Then why not just kill me and be off, then?"

"I wanted to see somethin' first."

"Huh?!" She was utterly baffled, "What is it you want to see?"

"That's my business."

She stopped in thought. His only movement thus far had been one of surprise, and he seemed oddly talkative. She judged that conversation might be her best chance, though the clock was still ticking for the village below. "So... what sort of 'trouble' did I cause?"

"You burned 13 men, broke the bones of 6, and left 2 unable to have children. One of them will need a cane for the rest of his life. You ain't nice."

Incredulously, Kaitlyn shouted, "I'm not nice? I'm not nice!? You are here to kill me, are you not?!"

He nodded.

"I assume no one told you why I did those things, did they? A lone girl surrounded by grown men seldom ends in the girl's favor."

Pausing for a moment, he appeared to think on the subject. "I suppose you're right, but I don't have much choice in this so..." He sighed and shrugged underneath his cloak.

"Can I at least know the name of my would-be assassin?"

"Apologies ma'am. My name's Emil."

"Stop calling me ma'am! And let's just get this over with so one of us can stop them from harming the villagers." She glanced over at the village, its protectors, and the approaching forces. There were still some minutes before they'd meet. Her face went slightly downcast as she pulled her hood up further, and her eyes went alight once more. She planted her feet again and took a combat stance, fireball still in hand.

"Guess I'll use both knives then."

Kaitlyn arched an eyebrow and adjusted her stance ever so slightly. Another sphere of flames formed in her left hand. "Then I'll do you the honor of using both hands."

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Nov 14, 2024 12:42

A nice start, you might think about Larry's name, it seems a bit out of place.

Nov 15, 2024 05:35 by Kerry

that though had been subtly gnawing at the back of my mind for years without being quite discernable. I'll go ahead and change it while it's still early lol Thank you