
Table of Contents

Act 1 Act2

In the world of Veil fall (working title)

Visit Veil fall (working title)

Ongoing 11216 Words

Act 1

1331 0 0

Return To Civility – Book 1 –Act 1

Author: Eros Primordial


Chapter 1

It’s funny how a somber a home can be, especially when you are waiting for a final decision to come down, and it doesn’t get any better as it is handed out if my situation was anything to go by as I listen to the person on the other end of the phone.

"Is there anything else, sir?" I spoke into the phone, seated at the dining table.

"No, just wait till we call you. Welcome To the reserves, Captain." the voice on the phone replied before hanging up.

Captain Chuka "Chewie" Kismet was now in the reserves. All because of one little trip, and if I had a choice, I would do it all over again. But all that was in the past now.

With the one important thing I had to do today done, I started trying to find busy work around in my childhood home to help me settle into my new life going forward. Only for my eyes to land on the door to my mother's room.

I felt like prey ready to be pounced on as I tried to keep a brave face on. She passed while I was away on assignment. Before I even had the chance to mourn  the trip that landed me in the reserves happen.  Nonetheless, the reminder of mom made home feel not like home. Causing me to briskly leave to get a breath of fresh air.

Danport, Washington, I grew up here in the district of Cedar Water. I wouldn't call it dangerous, but bordering on Southgate didn't make it safe, either. That said,

"HEY, CHEWIE!!!!" a man called out with his hand cupped around his mouth to give his voice some distance.

 I shouted back, half cupping my mouth, "Hey, Douglas! how's mom?"

 "She good; you heading to the center."

 "When aren't I?" I waved off Douglas. It was amazing how just that little interaction put me in a good mood to be back home. Making a turn on the corner, I landed in front of Mr. Thompson's Bakery, who waved me in through the window. "Hey, Mr. Thompson, what can I do for you."

Mr. Thompson was the local baker that had been serving the community since before I was born.

Mr. Thompson takes out a big stack of boxes containing his pastries. "I was getting ready to run these pastries over to the center. But seeing as you’re heading that way, can you do it for me."

"Yeah, I can do that." I stated while my hand creeped into the top box only for Mr. Thompson to slap my hand.

"Only after you get to the center." Mr. Thompson sternly scolded me.

I groaned in affirmation as I took the boxes and headed out the door while I once again attempted to sneak a pastry, only for Mr. Thompson to call me out once again.

   As I made my way to the Center, I noticed that the top box had a note written on it." For the kids." I knew what he meant by that. Usually, when he made trips to the Center to deliver treats on trips like this, Mr. Thompson would hand them out to the kids out playing on the way. Speaking of which.

"Hey, Chewie." One teen with a group of others called out to me as he kept rhythm with the music playing. They were a group of kids with a little break dancing meet-up. Running up to the teen thaat called out to me, I got in front of him and mirrored his movement beat for beat before he broke into his own little routine and challenged me. I fired back with my own, ending it with a flourish that offered him one of the treats from Mr. Thompson.

The teen attempted not to act impressed before taking the treat from me. I open the box label for the kids for each of them to take one. Knowing Mr. Thompson, this box is one had dedicated to handing treats out as he walked to the center.

Leading me to walking into my next distraction as a lovely woman sauntered up to me calling out to me sweetly. "Hey, Chewie, when are you going to come through?"

 "When you stop being mono. You know I don't like being sneaky."

"Sure, you don't," the woman smacked her lips at me before moving on.

Finally, I made it to the Center, the heart of this community. Which just so happens to be in the bones of the middle school I when to before enlisting. Just entering the place made me feel like a little kid again. Be it inside or out. It looked like any old middle school you would see in a west coast city.

Of course, Jesús' voice would be the first thing I hear as I enter the community center. "Man, mom's wild 'n."

 He was talking with a few others while holding his head. I could only guess at what he did this time to piss off his mom.

"Shit, man, what the fuck happen to you?" I called out to him as I got close.

"Well, if it isn't soldier boy. Chewie, where the fuck you been?" As cliché’ as it was, Jesús greeted me with a clap and a hug right out of a sitcom. He was amongst my oldest friends, one of the few that stuck with me when I was "encouraged" to enlist. It may have something to do with his massive crush on my cousin.

"Had to go take care of business. But don't worry, you'll be seeing a lot more of me from now on."

"Really?" There it was, that curious look on his face that will lead to him begging me about the subject

"I'm in the reserves now."

I tried to hide my emotions on the subject, but I could tell I was doing poor job of it...

"Is it because of those clowns you beat up?" Jesús asked, catching me off guard.

"Wait, how the hell did you hear about that."

A smirk crept onto Jesús face "Since when doesn't anything happen in Cedar Water, and there isn't gossip about it."

"No, it had nothing to do with that."

Jesús leaned in close with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Is it because they wouldn't let you join Navy Squeaks."

"Man, shut up!" I tried my best to hold back laughter and shove him back.

"Actually, you being here right now would help me a ton. Before explaining this deal." Jesús gestured to his head, "I was looking for someone to help me move a delivery into the supply closet."

"Sure thing, just let me drop this off at the desk," I replied before making my way over to the reception desk.

"Hey Rea, got a delivery for you from Mr. Thompson" I place the box of treats from his bakery on her desk.

"Oh, finally." Rea grabbed a treat from the box before grabbing the boxes itself to bring to the staff room.

Rea Freeman, dressed in her usual punk alt attire, with her braided hair draped over her shoulder. Black is punk, indeed. She was another friend from high school, and everyone believed there was an unexplored attraction between us. Only for the actual relationship I was having to be discovered, the one that landed mee in the service and cause no end of grief for me for at least a year. What follow after is what would become second nature to me as I started having open relationships. Yet, in all that time, I never pursued her.

"How’s the family" I somberly asked.

"their good, Their record label, Just got their next Platinum album. I can get you the disc if you don't already have it."

"Please do. "

With the treats delivered I made my way back over to Jesús taking a good look at that lump on his head.

"What did you do anyway?"

"Fuck if I know; I got excited for a job I got, and next thing I know, this."

"Right." I sarcastically stated with a drawl as Jesús attempted to plead his case that he did nothing to raise his mother's ire while we walked to the task at hand.

Over an hour in, and we were barely halfway done.

"Geez, man, did your mom have to order so much?" I said to Jesús as I stopped to take a brief break.

"You know her. Better safe than sorry."

Jesús places a box next to the one I just put down, deciding to take the cue for a break as well. "So, reserves? Piss someone off?"

"Not exactly. I can't really talk about the details." I quipped, only to realize I opened myself to be asked questions I didn't want to answer or dodge.

"What exactly is going on with that? Did it have something to do with that 'trip' you went on?"

"It had everything to do with it...but I, Can't, Talk, About, It."

"You and your clandestine bullshit."

"Be happy with what you do know. Now come on, we are almost done."

It didn't take us long to finish up the rest.

"Good work." Maria Palacios is the manager of the community center and the mother of Jesús and his sister Sofia. I was never really able to place her feelings about me. When I was a kid, she kept bouncing between looking like she wanted to take me over her knee to buying me half the toys in the toy shop. After I enlisted, that gambit exploded to the point where I felt safer on an OP than being around her, with her thick Latino accent not helping the issue. Not that I mind, but being my buddy's mom created some issues.

"Anything else you need us to do, Ma?" Jesús spoke as he double-checked that everything in his section was in order.

"No, nothing that needs heavy lifting. I will let you two get back to your other duties."

We did our final checks to ensure everything was where it should be, as Maria grabbed what she came for.

Looking at the clock as we re-enter the lobby, Jesús spoke "It is about time for me to take over for Physical activities. I will see you later, man."

Sure enough, a crowd of kids from different age groups was walking through there to get to the gym, most of them from the daycare center located in the lobby.

"Oooooooh, Mr. Chewie." one of the kids called out to me. "Ms. Sofia wants to say hi to you."

Sofia Palacios, Jesús' little sister. She wants to be a teacher, but when she isn't working toward that as a teacher assistant or In college, she is at the Center looking after the tots. She also has as big of a crush on me as Jesús does on my cousin.

So big that even the kids can pick up on and love to tease her about it. Consequences be damned.

"Hey, Sofia. How are you today?"

Without fail, just saying hi was enough to turn up the temperature on this poor girl as she attempted to comfort herself while tucking her hair behind her ear while looking at the ground.

"I'm good, and yourself? "She asked while failing to maintain eye contact with me.

"I have been good, although still making heads or tails of the fact I'm going to be home more," I reply

"Oh, what happened?" Sofia rushed to look at me with a worried expression

 "Relax, I'm in the reserves now. Just... that trip I went on had more ramifications than I would have liked." I tried to put her at ease while not going into many details.

"Who knows, maybe you can charm him into telling us what happened." Jesús jumped in… If I didn't know any better, I would say the sun was before me by how red Sofia was turning.

"We will let you go." I grabbed Jesús by the shoulder and started marching him to the lobby reception desk. "Have a good one, Sofia."

"Wait, hold on man, I gotta get to the gym," Jesús protested.

"Didn't think you were so eager for your execution," I whispered to him as we made it to the desk, with him trying to get himself free of my grasp.

"Do you two have to tease her so badly?" Rea spoke annoyed to us as we drew close.

"I wasn't aiming to, but someone wanted to put their foot in their mouth." I turn to look at Jesús.

"She will be fine." Jesús tried to play it off.

"Is that why the kids are carrying her into the gym" Jesús turned to see if I was bluffing. I wasn't

"Any chance I can stay with you tonight?"

  "Nope." I started laughing as I grabbed my next assignment from Rea and walked away while startled Jesús pleaded with me


Chapter 2


It was hard to describe the feeling I was having at that moment. I was in a bar, I had no memory of entering with a drink in hand that I don’t remember being served. And yet here I was, enjoying it without a care in the world as a band played smooth jazz. What I could remember was me going to center to volunteer, following the usual routine for the day when I volunteered before coming home to sleep.

“Enjoying your drink?” The bartender spoke to me, or at least I assumed she was the bartender. She did not look like one that would work here. Her outfit was more like something you would find in a dive bar than a lounge.

“Sorry, I must have spaced out. I can’t remember how I got here.”

“Is that so bad?”

“For someone who was in my line of work? Yes. Where exactly am I?”

“You are in Aqua Fantasy, a bar in wonderland.”


“Wonderland. You know, the blonde chick kept on doing stupid things while following a white rabbit. Psychopathic sister had to come and save her. Granted, people only know about her nowadays because of the mouse and that American dude. What was his name?”


That triggered something as she sighed before speaking again.

“If you say that one more time, you’re going to summon HIM.”



What I could only call a parody of the living legend himself, Samuel L Jackson, came out of nowhere, spun me around on my chair, and was now screaming in my face.

“I’m dreaming.” 

“NO SHIT SHERLOCK WHATS YOUR NEXT SHITTY-” Before Samuel could finish his sentence, a shark came out of nowhere and ate him. The absurdity of the situation causes me to burst into a fit of laughter.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just that. ever since I saw ‘Deep Blue Sea’, I always expect a shark to come out of nowhere and eat him when he tries to get all inspirational and shit.” I spoke as I turned back to the bartender while trying and failing to hold back my laughter.


“What was inspirational about that?”

The alt-bartender was clearly taken aback by what had just happened.

“Nothing, I just thought it would be funny.”

“Well, at least you managed to figure out the basics of this place.”

“So just think about it, and it will become real here.”

“As real as any dream could be, but yes, that is the gist of it.” she started before taking on a more serious tone. “Granted, there are a few rules, for the lack of a better word. You can do anything you want. But if you want to do something to someone that is actually here, it can only happen if they want it to.”

“So, the shark thing?”

“A freebie because you are both new here and didn’t know the rules.” she paused for a moment. “And also because I may have found it funny too.”

“Right, whatever the case is, I need to go figure out who slipped me something.”

“No one did, but if you really want to ask someone about this, I believe breakfast is...”

I shot awake from a noise coming from the kitchen. It was morning, and I had no idea what to think of my dream, which was still vivid in my memories. As I try to ground myself, I turn to look at my clock, only to see a statue of a woman next to it. I must’ve missed it when I came in last night. I could only assume it was something from my cousin. Fortunately, she was fussing at herself in my kitchen.

Kayla Kismet, my charco-skin cousin, was cursing herself as she accidentally knocked a coffee mug from its holder while bringing me a plate of food. She lived with her mother across the hall from me. Even when my mom was alive, Aunty made sure I was fed. It is nice to see some things don’t change. 

“Chewie, I’m so sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.” Kayla apologized as she noticed me coming closer with the statue in hand.

“It’s fine, it’s fine... umm, this statue…What the hell is it??”

“It’s a statue of Mamu, the goddess of dreams and nightmares. Oh God! Did it give you a nightmare?”

A flashback of Samuel L Jackson getting eaten by the shark in the bar popped into my head, as a chuckle escaped me.

“No, no, it didn’t,” I smiled. “But next time, ask before you put some of your witchy stuff in my... house” I pause at the moment at what that really meant. “That feels weird to say.”

Kayla let a small sympathetic smile appear as she put her hand on my shoulder.

During the last official mission I was on, My mom had died from a brain aneurysm. Because of said mission, I didn’t find out until I was on the plane back home, but instead of mourning like I wanted to, something came up that landed me in the situation I was in now. 

“I miss her too.” 

We stood there in silence for a moment before Kayla changed the subject.

“So, are you going to keep it?”

“Sure, and don’t worry about the mug. We have more than enough, as you can clearly see.” 

Relief washed over Kayla’s face at my words.

After cleaning up the broken mug, I went on to what was basically my routine while on leave. Shit, shower, shave, and head to the Center. What happens after that usually varies. The routine stays like this for about two weeks before I did something a bit spicier. But for now, it was on to the Center.

“Mourning Rea, what cha got for me?” I greeted Rea as I approached the receptionist’s desk. Try my best not to admire her outfit for the day.

“Actually, Maria is looking for you. We have a new volunteer, and she wants you to show him around.”

Rea looked around in a way that made it seem like she was putting herself on display, almost as if she was giving me permission to take in all of her.


“In fact, there she is now.”

Maria walked up to us with a man who seemed familiar, but I couldn’t quite place him.

“Chuka, this is Hogan Potts. He is a new volunteer. I want you to show him around.” Maria introduces me to the man with her.

“Sure, no problem. Anything special you want me to show him?”

“Just a normal tour. Give him a rundown on how we do things around here. If anyone else is doing anything special, feel free to sit in.”

With that, we were off as I headed to the gym to start the tour with Hogan following close by.

“So, what brings you to this side of town?” I asked Hogan, figuring I might as well get to know him since I am showing him around.

“Community service. Got caught with some nose candy,” he quipped, a sly grin on his face.

I stopped dead in my tracks and glared at him, my eyes narrowing. Perhaps my intense stare was too much, as his confident facade wavered for a moment.

“Nah, I’m kidding,” he admitted with a sheepish smile. “I just want to do some good in my city. You know, fix your own house before you try to help others.”

I studied him briefly, trying to discern his true intentions, before we resumed walking.

“Is that a common thing around here?”

“Community service for drugs? Not as far as I know. If we get anyone for community service, it’s usually someone younger. People your age either go somewhere else or cut a check.”

Starting the tour properly I held the door open for Hogan to gym

“Right, this used to be a middle school.”

“Yeah, once the slew of new schools was made in the city, this one was donated to the areas community center. The Center itself is broken up into different sections. We have a re-home section for anyone needing a place to stay or help to find a new home. That is near the cafeteria, and the on-site clinic is also there. That whole area makes up the west side of the building.”

Moving on from there we when to the pool next door.

“Next is the pool. It shares a bathroom with the gym. There is also a yard disconnected from here. We normally hold different things for people to get out and do things. One side note, the pool is currently only open to adults that sign a waiver, as we don’t have any lifeguards on duty. Our last one moved away. Due to things being busy at the time, no one noticed that we didn’t have another one to take their place.”

With the tour of the pool done it was on the next major point of the center which was the daycare.

“And last but not least is the daycare. Another converted classroom to take care of the young kids, or tots as I like to call them.” As we arrived, Sofia was putting several of the tots down for a nap. Seeing us coming in, she quickly signaled us to be quiet.

“It goes without saying that we have a lot of classrooms. We’ve been using them for all sorts of things. The ones you’re most likely going to see a lot are either here or the one that is normally used as yoga studio. “I whisper to Hogan, not wanting to wake up the tots or anger Sofia. “Although the yoga instructor has been out sick for the last few days. I think they are going to be back Saturday.

“And that more or less does it for the tour. You can ask anyone if they need help or go back to the receptionist.”

Turning to me hogan spoke as we step out of the daycare area “What do you do?”

“I’m normally a gopher. They send me where I’m needed.”

“In that case, let me stick with you.”


I don’t know why I took him up on his offer, but I did. While doing assignments around the Center, we got to know each other better and somehow landed on talking about my mom. A subject I had been doing best to avoid. I talked about how she did her best to raise me without a father figure. While she didn’t like the fact I was constantly in fights. She was proud that I was always doing it to stand up for those who couldn’t do it for themselves. I told him about the apartment building that was given to us by a family friend. And how she was the one that got me to start volunteering here at the Center. Which more or less became a second home to me.

Then came the end of the day. As if it was a ritual, many of the staff and those who would constantly come to the Center met up in the lobby. It was mainly people either catching up with the parents or just shooting the shit till it was time to officially leave.

As usual, out came Jesús singing a parody of “Closing Time” by Semisonic. Changing some of the words to refer to everyone going to Cider Water Tavern.

“So, you are coming this time?” Jesús stopped his song to see if I would tag along this time.

“Maybe, I have a few more things I need to do. I was just seeing Hogan out.”

“Well, I will be waiting.” Jesús returned to his song while heading out the door.

"Corny ass muthafucker"

“Cider water?” Hogan chimed in; I had forgotten he was new here.

“Bar restaurant that is unofficially tied to the Center. Most of the staff and volunteers go there to unwind. Because of that, it is not uncommon to find some kids here waiting there for their parents to pick them up.”

“Ah huh.” He was noticeably concerned about that last part.

“Relax. The owner deliberately renovated the bar to have a kitchen put in so the late kids could be there with the adults.”

“I see. Mind if I join you.”

“No one is stopping you. I... I will show up, just got to go to take care of some things. “I replied as I headed back into the Center.


Chapter 3


There were a lot of things I picked up while I was in the special forces; one of them was how to set up and maintain a safe house. Something I found useful when Maria expressed her desire for the Center to join a Domestic Violence network. In the backrooms, hidden in rows and rows of lockers, was a janitor's office turn saferoom. It had what was needed for someone to stake out for 24 hours. One of many in a rotating network in Danport. Every time I would come home for leave, I would check it to see if the one under my care was used and if anything was in stock.

The way how it worked was that agents in charge of moving the VIP would take them to one of Three safehouses they knew of, looking for a tell-tale sign that it was ready and not in use, in this case, a trophy still in its place. From there, the VIP would stay in the safe house for at most 24 hours before moving to what would be their new life.

If the safe house was in use, another trophy would be placed, signaling that. While no trophy means maintenance would be needed, which is where I and a select other would come into play.

At least that was the basic system of signs. Variations existed, such as a trophy being turned backwards to signal that someone was performing checks and maintenance, as I was. So why was I doing it? Given how long it was between my leave, it made for a good maintenance check. And it was one of those things where I was a stickler for the procedure, even if it takes a long time, which wasn’t the case this time. But didn’t change the fact that I was still in the center after hours.

After hours at the Center was always a surreal experience for me. And yet here I was, walking to the exit. Only for the light from Maria's office window to catch my eyes. I don't know why, but I went to check on her. As I peered into her office door, I saw her at her desk enjoying a glass of scotch as she looked over some paperwork. 

"You know that would most likely taste better with friends," I spoke as I leaned up against the doorway to Sofia's office. 

"I agree." Maria chuckled, amused at what I had just said. "But I still have paperwork I need to get done." 

Her office was surprisingly clean. Especially with the amount of paperwork I knew she when through, evident by the neat little stack that sat on her desk. The only thing that was out of place was the bottle of scotch. 

"Anything I could help with?" 

"Not especially. It's just a lot of paperwork." 

"I was referring to the bottle." Maria paused for a moment before pouring a second glass, which I took as a cue to sit down. 

"So, is the center having financial problems again?" 

"Surprisingly, no." She smiled. "We just got two huge donations. We don't have to worry about money for the next few years." 

"Really? From whom?" 

"One is from Kendrick Enterprises. They increased their donation to the max. The other is a private donation, so I can't say." 


Maria was one of those parents that thought I was a bad influence. Not that I blame her, as I was constantly getting into fights with bullies at my school. While I tried to keep Jesús out of a lot of the scrapes after he started rolling with me, there were a few he joined in on. Leading to his mom jumping on my back. 

"You know this has to be the most cordial you have ever been with me. Is there a reason why?" 

"Maybe it's because I finally came around to you." Maria paused for a moment as she collected her thoughts 

"When you were younger. I was always afraid you would pull my kids into some kind of trouble. No matter how much they would tell me you helped them." 

 Maria had finished her drink and moved herself to sit at the front end of her desk in front of me. 

"But now I see the fine man you have grown into." Seduction was dripping off her words. 

"Careful, you might send out the wrong signals…" I slyly said as I glanced up at her from my drink. 

"...or maybe the right ones." 

"Miss Palacios, when is the next time you will be free?" 

"¡Mierda" To say the mood came crashing down was an understatement. She glanced back at the mountain of paperwork still sitting on her desk. 

"This is going to eat up all my time. But I will let you know" Maria pecked me on the cheek before trying to force me out the door. 

"Now, shoo, you're distracting." 

"I will be waiting." I couldn't help but chuckle at what had just happened. 

The walk from the community center to cider water was barely anything to take note of. It was for that reason it was popular with staff at the Center. 

Per usual, it was busy here. Filled with the regulars coming from the Center along with a new face here and there. Everyone was in their Amorphis groups, talking about things that had happened during the day and plans for the next. 

Jesús was off to his own little corner, taking a moment to rest his social wings while letting himself get engrossed in whatever was on his phone. 

"Hey, what are you looking at?" I asked Jesús as I sit down next to him 

"Interview with this new J-pop group" 

"J-pop? " 

" Japanese pop, I was as learning Japanese high school. remember.” Jesús stated as he looked me right in the eye, drawing me back to some of those memories.” I’m telling you right now, J and k pop… Korean pop, is going to take over the world one of these days." 

"Sure, it is.” I was not one that believe such things as something caught my eye on the bar main television. Whatever game that was on had just ended leading into the news and they were talking about the earthquake that had happen in Korea 2 years ago or rather how someone who had thought to be dead during it had recently been found alive. He had a nasty fall out in the woods and was nurse back to health by some monks that lived in the region, their monastery been remote is why he only showed up now.

“I was there when that happened you know.” I spoke out as Jesús turn his attention to television.

“yeah you did mention that, any more details?”

“I told you everything the last time we talked about it. I was on bodyguard duty when the earthquake hit, had to escort the VIP and some others because he wasn’t a piece of shit.” I Stated as I started to think back to that event. “ Anyway, you're the guy that knows everyone. Who is this Hogan guy?" 

"Lorik Kendrick. " 

The fact that he said that without blinking threw me for a loop 

"Bullshit, who is he really?"  

At this point, I would have rather he started making more clown jokes again. Lorik Kendrick. The richest man in the city. Whose family rebuilt Danport after a war with the natives in the area. THAT'S who Jesús claimed Hogan really was. 

"I'm being honest. Between looking like the guy and having a bullshit alias, there is no one else it could be. " 

"Bullshit alias?" 

"One of Tony Stark's alias in the Iron Man comics, not to mention the timing of the donations." 

 I just stood there dumbfounded. I mean, seriously, those were Jesús reasons. Those are just... coincidences... and that was when a piece of advice came back to me from one of my instructors. 

"There are no such things as coincidence." I groaned while facepalming on the table. "ok, so why is he here." 

"Fuck if I know, Undercover boss?" 

"Last I checked, the center isn't owned by the Kendrick Foundation, smart ass." 

Before Jesús could respond to my latest inquiry Hogan wander over with a drink in hand "What are you guys talking about over here?"

Jesús didn't even try to hide the topic of the conversation "Talking about how you're Lorik Kendrick."

"Shit, I was wondering when that was going to happen?" Hogan looked displeased at the comment as I shot Jesús a look of disbelief, to which Jesús smiled with glee 

"People outing you?" Jesús turns his attention to Hogan 

'"No, people confusing me for him. You have no idea how annoying that shit was in high school." Both me and Jesús shot each other with confused looks. Before turning back to Hogan 

"We went to school together. As I'm sure you guess, I am not from this side of town." 

Hogan pulled out an older photo of what looked like two younger versions of himself with one arm over the other's shoulder. 

"I originally came to see someone only to hear they aren't around anymore and decided to fill in." 

"Really, that's it. so here for a week at most?" Jesús' quip is a bit rude but not completely uncalled for. 

"Not necessarily, looking to be a bit more low-key in my philanthropy. After all, no man is an island." 


"Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod is washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. " I recited the rest of the poem instantly. It was one that Mom forced me to remember when I started complaining about having to go to the Center all the time.  


"I am clearly not drunk enough. Does anyone else want refills?' When both said yes, I got their order and headed to the bar. 

The three of us spent the rest of the night tearing down the walls Hogan had between him and us as we got to know him better. Spinning tales of a childhood adventures as he in turn told about his own and some embarrassing tales about the richest man in Danport. It brought a strange yet familiar sense of warmth, like a group of friends and family sitting before a campfire telling stories, and like with all good things the night came to a end.

Stepping out of the Tavern into the cool brisk air with all of us saying our goodbyes, I started my walk home.

"You sure are walking casually for someone out so late." A text message chimed in on my phone. T810ck (block), He, she… They were an asset I developed back when I still an active service member. Helping me out in scraps from their keyboard more than a few times. 

"Blinking light left shoulder above the door frame."  810ck directed  me to a camera that was staring right at me before moving back to its original position, clearly hacked by them. 

"Something wrong?" evidently, they caught me wincing when I spotted the camera. 

"Kind of. That is where I worked before I... enlisted." 

“Right…bars for stripes… Umm, why are you out so late" They were trying to deflect, sensing the possible landmine they just stepped on. 

"Just drinks with friends." 

"And before that?" 

 "Need to know."



 starting with the onomatopoeia, someone pushing air through their lips. 810ck replied "like I couldn't find out what you were really doing."

"Your welcome to try."

A few minutes later a fury of angry emoticons flooded the screen. Before 810ck started typing English again "ok, what the hell."

That got a chuckle out of me. The area around the safe house was specifically setup to be a electronic dead zone. The only way to reach someone there was a land line.

"So, what's with the ping? I'm No longer active military." 

"Just wanted to check in on you, besides I'm not a military contact. I'm yours." 

"Is that s-" 

"HEY! Don't text and cross the street." A text interrupted me, stopping me as a car sped past me. 

"Thanks, MOM!!! How are the others?" 

"I mainly talking to you. What made you think I would keep tabs on the others." 

"Because you know I would ask." 


"Tango 3 has completely dropped off the face of the earth. Whatever they have him doing, I have a hard time finding him. I thought you all were supposed to be on standby or something." 

"We are... well, me and tango 2 are. 3 when a different route." 

"Well, Tango 2, on the other hand, is making the best of the situation he can. He made contact back with his folks." 

"Is he planning on killing them?" 

"Doesn't seem that way. They are happy to have him back, although if the activity is anything to go by. He would willingly give his right leg to get away from them." part of me chuckled, only to feel a bit guilty. I was partly responsible for the whole mess that landed us in our current situation and for him losing his leg. 

"Anyway, I will let you go; I see you made it to your doorstep." Before she turned on the light, the camera to signify that she was watching from it. As I approached the entrance to my apartment building. 

"Goodnight, 810ck" 


 "Wait, did we always have a camera at the front door?" I stop as I enter the building.


Chapter 4

It is funny how time can pass like a blur. It is only when a vital piece fails to fit that blur comes to a violent and painful halt. Smacking us into our new painful reality thanks to its absence.


If I was still active today was the day I would be getting ready to report back in. The wake up routine involved me being freshly shave and clip following it with second thought everything came to a halt when I saw the phantom of my mother sitting at the table with her usually going away meal

"Hi, son." It was the only thing she said as she faded away from my sight.



It's funny the things that break us.




It took me a while to pick myself up; after all, seeing the ghost of your mother is not an everyday occurrence. Something I chalked up to stress as I headed out the door to my monthly stint as a member of the reserve. Mom’s phantom jolting me back to reality I now occupied in which I was  no longer be active military but reserved which put mee in a situation to play weekend warrior once a month. With what just happened it was going to be a very welcome excursion.


The stint placed me in charge of a Logistics divisions at the local domestic base for housing troops and specialized training. After getting introduced to both my unit and duties, I did my best to build up camaraderie with the unit while trying to keep my mind off the troubles that awaited me at home. The Troubles themselves made it so I only when home to lay my head down during the stint


Naturally, the stint didn't last as long as I wanted. With the weekend over, I was out of excuses for why I was never home. At some point, I will have to deal with this grief, but for now, not being home is at the top of my list. Why I decided to go to the community center, which was my second home, is anyone's guess.

 Walking in there in a daze definitely didn't help things when Rea was the one to snap me out of it. "Hey, Chewie... are you ok?"


"Yeah, yeah... just... I'm, I'm fine. What do you have for me to do."


If I was trying to hide that something was up, I was doing a poor job of it, going by Rea's expression.


"The usual run of work. I'm sure if you drop in on anyone, they will use ya." I could see the conflict on her face wanting to press to see what was wrong but also wanting to respect my privacy. Finally, deciding not to press the subject, she gave the assignment to move some supplies around.


Like with everything else that was going on with me since I saw my mom, everything that day was passing me by in a blur. At least, it was till I saw Maria and Hogan talking to each other alone in one of the unused classrooms. They were talking in hushed tones that perked my ear up as yet, something else I could use to not think about my mom. And how right I was in that thought.


The look on Maria face was one I was all to familiar with. Every time she was either there to pull me off of the victim of the week "Ok, I have indulged you long enough; why are you really here?"


"Listen, Ms. Palacios, I understand your concern, but I promise you I have no ill will here... just fumbling through some private matters." It was clear there was something Hogan was struggling with he wanted to say


"Oh, and what does that have to do with Chewie? every time he volunteers, you are always there shadowing him."


"I think it safe to say I have been a beneficiary of the center for long enough to earn some trust...“ Hogan let out a defeated sigh ”Which should go both ways. so hopefully, relaying this to you can help find a better way of going about this."


"And that is?"


"Chewie is my son."


To say I have been through a lot in my years would be an understatement, but this… knocked me on my ass, with was only thanks to my training in the military that I didn't have a more wild reaction than what I was having now as I was able to hold back the racing thought in my head.


"Bullshit!" Maria spat at Hogan, besides Maria was doing a good enough job conveying my own anger.


"Do you remember the blood drive I had you do about a week ago?"


"Yeah, what about..."


It didn't take long for it to click what he was suggesting; essentially  some time ago before the trip. Hogan had the Center do a blood drive in which he swiped some of my blood to do a DNA test, to proving his claim. And If him pulling out his cellphone and Maria expression was anything to go by it was indeed true.


"Like I said, fumbling through this."


"Got damnit, Mr. Kendrick."


And fucking Jesús was right; I bet water is turning into wine in his hand, and he doesn't even know why.


"Ok, let's answer the elephant in the room. why now?" Maria once gain seemed to be on the same page as me on the subject


"Because I didn't know he existed till the fight in the graveyard."


Maria eyes when wide before facepalming "Oh, dear lord. He is never going to live that down is he."


I silently groaned in agreement with Maria, to think I would start missing the cardboard tank.


"In any case. My mother did not approve of the relationship between me and Jordan, Chuka's mother. She went to great pains to prevent us from being together."


"Ok, so what now?"


'"I don't know. I have been trying to find the right ways to tell him, but I can't seem to find the words." Hogan paused for a moment before putting on a satirical tone in his voice." Hi, Chewie. I'm your father, who didn't know you existed and found out about you after you beat up some literal clowns at your mother's gravesite. Want to toss the good old ball around to make up for lost time?"


At that point, I tuned out the rest of the conversation as everything was hitting me like a ton of bricks. And at the moment, there was only one solution I could think about


Everyone has a routine they fall into, especially when weighed down by heavy thoughts or a cloud of melancholy. These familiar rhythms can offer solace, a momentary reprieve from the burdens that gnaw at the soul. So, when I walked into |Cider Water with a troubled heart and slumped down at the bar, the perceptive owner didn't pry or ask any questions. He simply poured me a few shots and returned to his tasks, allowing me to find some solace in the comforting familiarity of the establishment.


On Shot 42, in comes Jesús,


"Where the fuck have you been?"


"drinking the answer to life, what's up?" I try to express that I was not in the mood for whatever news he had to bring to me as I down the solace of life


"Your aunt attacked Hogan."


"What? why?" I asked, coughing up the shot that would explain the meaning of life.


"Fuck if I know. She just smacked the shit out of him and left. Although Hogan did say, he wanted to talk to you. Mom told me to give this to you if I ran into you." Jesús handed me a piece of paper with a phone number on it.


"fuuuuuuuuuuuuck... is it too late to go back to being active." Jesús could only give me a puzzled look, not understanding the situation, thanks to the lack of context. I ordered another shot for the road. I had all intentions of chasing down answers but for now. I need to ensure that another fistfight isn't going to break out.


It had a clear idea of what my aunt attacked Hogan or Lorik now as I raced home. Clearly, it was because he was my dad, but I felt there was more to it than just that. First mom, then my would-be dad, and now my aunt. How is it that home life was more stressful than being in the middle of a battlefield with bullets whizzing past your head?


After what felt like an eternity, I finally reached the door that stood across from my door to my own apartment,  knocking on it. Waiting for what felt like another eternity for my aunt Makayla to answer. When she did, she knew why I was as there.


"Come on in." We quickly settled in the dining room with my auntie grabbing a bottle of alcohol and two shot glasses... my poor, poor liver."Alright, so what happened?"


"That is not for me to..."


"Besides the fact that Hogan Pott is actually Lorik Kendrick and is my father?" She looked surprised that I knew.


"I overheard him talking to Maria. Evidently, he found out recently himself thanks to that fight I had in the graveyard a mom’s site."




" Fuck if I know. Between seeing Mom and this shit, I much rather be back on deployment."


"Wait, what do you mean you saw your mother?"


"For whatever reason, as I was getting ready to report in for my monthly stint. I saw her... As I was getting ready to leave and I broke down." I slumped back into my chair as I thought about what had happened


"Is everything ok? And I don't mean this episode. Two days into your leave and mourning your mother's death, you run off, saying something about helping your boys. Only to come back saying you are in the reserves now. Whatever happened didn't help your situation here, and you need to get it off your chest."


the one question that keeps coming back up. The one I didn't want to answer because of everything that happened surrounding it.


"This does not leave this house." 


My aunt looks at me as ready to play the seniority card on me.


" I'm SERIOUS. What I'm about to tell you is enough to get a government-sanction bullet in all of our heads... THAT INCLUDES YOU, KAYLA!!!" Kayla always thought she was sneakier than she really was. When we were young, she would always try to scare us, but as time went on, I got better at knowing when she was around.


"How did you know I was there?" Kayla pouted as she approached the table.


"Please, part of my job was hunting down spies. You're gonna have to try harder than that to hide yourself..."


"Especially when you want to use my bathroom," I teased her. "Now grab yourself a cup and sit your ass down."


I recounted to them everything that happened after I found out my mom was dead. How when I came home to grieve and how I got a message about the death of a squad mate's brother. What was supposed to be us helping work through his grief... through the blood of others. Turned into us finding and putting a stop to a conspiracy in our government. That, in turn, led to me being placed in reserves, or at least that was what I was on paper to keep us close by as the investigation when on. I didn't mince any words about how everything came about.


"Fuck Chuka, I'm not sure if I should be amazed at how you keep getting yourself into these messes or out of them." My aunt leaned back in her chair as she thought about everything; I told her


"at least I finally got to talk to someone about it. That said, I am most likely going to look into finding a shrink..." I remarked


"Well, whatever you do, we are here for you, chu chu" Kayla placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.


"You know I hate that nickname. Briquette"

Chapter 5

Once again, I found myself back in Aqua fantasy. Just about every time I laid my head down to sleep I came here which most likely wasn’t ideal considering how much drinking I did while I was awake only to continue it in sleep.

"Wow, how much longer are you going to keep going?" the Bartender of Aqua fantasy asks as she pours me yet another drink while looking at me with playful and curious eyes.

Like before, Aqua Fantasy looks like a jazz lounge you would see in the movies with a wide-open space for those to sit down and relax and just like before the only thing sticking out was the Bartender herself.

swishing the liquid of the shot in its cup I answered wheal I leaned on the counter to survey the bar once more as I "Till I wake up. "

"That could be a while.... time can be.... weird, here."

Letting her words linger in my mind, I took an interest in the painting on the wall. It should freak me out as they weren’t static, but because this was a dream, it didn't. Each one was shifting between various images, something that was likely to see in a bar, be it an ad for alcohol, a swimsuit model of either gender, or something else of that irk.

"So, I figured. Don't you have other patrons you need to tend to?" I returned my attention to the Bartender and raised an eyebrow at her.

"I do." Another copy of the Bartender walked behind me while running a finger across my back as she passed to serve another table.

"So Mamu, is there a reason why you are taking an interest in me?"

"I don't remember telling you my name."

"Come on. I didn't start dreaming of this place and you till I got that statue."

"Ok, but that isn't my name," the Bartender slyly smiled.

"Ok, Morpheus then."

"Call me Mamu." annoyance shot into her face a hint to the danger game I was teasing at

"But I think Morpheus fits you better." I teases, clearly sending her over the edge.

"Or you could call me Epiales." It took me a moment before I realized who that was.


shooting up from my slumber in a cold sweat while sharp pain shot through my head before fade along with the mental image of literal asshole.

"Ok, Mami, if that's how you want to play." As I attempted to calm myself down, I had to stop and think about what I was doing. Was I really taking my dream so seriously to the point where I was planning on trolling a dream goddess?

"As soon as I finish talking to Lorik, I'm definitely calling a shrink." I facepalm at the thought of the whole situation.

I quickly got dressed and walked into the kitchen, where I noticed a distinct lack of food. Of course, it wasn't the end of the world. Just something that was a noticeable change to the normal routine. Then again, this wasn't a surprising outcome with how much we drank.

Walking into the kitchen I mutter to myself"Looks like it's time to pay it back."

 cooking was no stranger to me. But it had been a while since I cooked for myself. Or anyone, for that matter, that wasn't in the tradition of a deployed soldier.

”Scrambled eggs, toast and gritted with a side of bacon should do.” I thought to myself as I gathered my ingredients. As a thought crossed my mind.

"Hey, can you do me a favor and send me everything you can on Lorik Kendrick?" I shot a text over to 810ck as I juggled my phone with the eggs to crack them over the skillet.

Before the egg could even start sizzling, they had already replied back, "Why?"

"Personal matter is that going to be a problem." I sent the text out while I set a pot for the grits. I waited for the egg's bottom to solidify before scrambling; I always liked seeing a bit of white in my scrambled eggs but never understood why.

"It shouldn't be…. It might take a while, though." By the time that text had appeared, I already had a second skillet sizzling with bacon.

"Understand; ping me when you get it." Before long, three plates of food were done. Leaving one on the table for me, I had the other two in hand and proceeded to the door.

"Hopefully, it will taste good enough," I told myself as I brought the plates of food to my aunt's home.

I set the food down on the table as my auntie was the first to emerge from her room in a beautiful mess. So, this must be what it is like to be on the other end of this. To say she looked like she when ten rounds with Mike Tyson was an understatement. But what really sold it was her exasperated look and slow shuffle over to the table to eat. Before long, she started ungracefully munching on the food before sputtering out a thank you.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. I made my way to the door only to get an eyeful of Kayla in even worse shape. She repeated her mother's exact motions before taking her place at the table. Returning home quickly to eat myself, I proceeded to what was going to be my mission for the day as I started to punch in the number Jesús gave me.

I was halfway down to the ground floor when the phone sounded off with a notification, a reminder to collect rent from other tenants in a few days. But that was for later. Now, I need to call Hogan.

The phone rang as I made my way to the nearby garage complex where my SUV was parked. What was something I initially got to help me in my volunteering work. Ended up being my mother's workhorse, given how little I ended up using it. Most of the time, ferrying the kids and supplies around for the center.

Someone finally picked up as I got to the front of the garage.

"Come to Kendrick Tower." a woman's voice spoke into the phone. "Tell them who you are and that you're there to see Hogan." before I could reply, she hung up... rude.

Danport was a large city split by the Colorado River. The district of Cider Water was on the south side of the river. While the business district where Kendrick Tower is located, is north of it. Meaning that I either had to take the bridge or the ferry to get over there. Traveling across the river was enough of a deal that most who did so either did it with a plan. Or understood that they would be spending a lot of time on that side. As for me, I wanted this to be a quick in and out. The situation itself was going to be stressful enough if all the drinking I was doing was any sign.

While Kendrick Tower was located in the business district. It would have been more correct to say the Tower could be found in the Kendrick Plaza. A complex in the business district that the Kendrick Foundation controlled. The Tower is a landmark you could see at any point in Danport. Making it hard to get lost.

Having parked in the garage associated with the Tower I made my way inside. Before now, I have never really been to Kendrick Plaza or Kendrick Tower. I never had a reason to be there, so I was taken aback by the geometric design of the exterior and interior of the building. Art Deco, I think it was called. The sleek, symmetrical lines of the furniture and décor gave it an elegant and timeless nature to it, accented by the use of marble.

"Hi, how may I help you." The young woman wearing a black dress that matched her hair stood up from her chair as she greeted me.

"Yes, miss... Stella." I gleam her name from the nametag" My name is Chuka Kismet; I am here to see Hogan Potts."

Giving me a slight smile, she turned back to her computer to check her notes.

"Ahh, yes. Just take the elevator and swipe this card on the pad. It should take you to where he is." Stella handed me a key card with a sticky note attached to it. Which happens to have her number and a small message; call me. Looking back at her, I couldn't help but notice the faint blush on her cheeks as she suddenly pretended to be busy.

"Thank you, lovely," I say, giving her a friendly nod before making my way to the elevator.

It surprised me how fast I reached the intended floor, given that it felt like I wasn't moving at all. The elevator doors open, and before me is what you would expect to find for offices on a high-ranking executive floor. However, the floor wasn't solely dedicated to hogan or whoever it was I was being sent to meet. There were clearly several offices here for the people that were below him but needed to be within arm's reach. At the end of the hallway was a secretary in front of an office that read Lorik Kendrick.

"I am never going to hear the end of this." I groaned as i walked up to the secretary's desk.


"I am here to see... Lorik Kendrick?" I was a bit confused as I wasn't sure whether or not he knew that I knew that Hogan Potts was Lorik. I had a feeling some assumption was involved. The man looked up and down before nodding toward the door.

As I walked into the office, I was immediately struck by the décor,  several pieces of art that lined the wall, all that seemed to whisper of a history, each held almost in an otherworldly sense. Not surprising, given this was the CEO's office, a position held by the family since its founding. The center at the end of the office, with big windows that overlooked the city was a Large dark wood desk that contrasted against the view adorned with the essentials of running a business.

 And before it stood Lorik and…Hogan, the actual Hogan Potts. I remember the conversation we had about one looking like the other. Truth be told, I figure it was some elaborate ruse meant to throw people off the trail. But there they were, two people who could be mistaken for twins, a baffling and uncanny resemblance.

"Ah, Chuka, you arrived. This is the real Hogan Potts," the person I now assumed to be Lorik spoke up, gesturing toward his doppelganger.

"No I’m Lorik and your Hogan," Hogan stated as his arms crossed with a sly smirk on his face as Lorik massage his brow in annoyance "To be fair, you brought that on your own self,"

Lorik, clearly annoyed began to speak "Yeah, yeah, yeah, if you don't mind, Hogan, you have security audits to file." He gestured towards the door, urging Hogan to leave.

"Fine, I'm going. Catch up later, Lorik." Hogan's s smile as he strolling out with a friendly nod. “nice to meet you chuka”

When the door clicked closed, Lorik started to speak again. "I wanted you to meet him, so you know I wasn't pulling that name out of thin air," Lorik explained, his expression growing more serious.

"So, you're really Lorik Kendrick," I stated, trying to wrap my head around the revelation. Lorik nodded in affirmation.

"And you really had no idea I existed," I continued, seeking confirmation of what had been a life-changing piece of information for both of us.

Lorik hesitated for a moment, then replied, "No, Chuka. I had no idea. If I had known, I would have done things differently. Your grandmother was sort of a bitch... a loving bitch but a bitch no less."

"Awesome. So, what now? We throw the ball around for old time's sake."

"You heard that?"

“yeah, I overheard you and Marie talking when I found out who you were. Auntie slapping you on the other hand, came out of left field. Supposedly she had the idea that you were my dad for a while now. It wasn't clear to her until you started talking about the person you came looking for."

"So, where do we go from here." Lorik leaned against his desk while I looked at him. "Honestly, I, for one, don't really know. I think we are a bit too late to be doing any father-son bonding."

"I don't know about that. I mean, at the end of the day, you are still my dad. And I would like to know where the other half of me comes from."

"Would you like to have dinner with me and my family?"

"Sure, are we talking about aunties and uncles?"

"Try fiancé and her children. I hope some way and somehow, I would have been able to reconnect with your mother, but... But your grandmother had other ideas. At some point, I had to move on and."

"Dad, I understand." I consoled him about what happened before making dinner plans as, apparently, they didn't have any real ones. He wanted to make sure I was comfortable with whatever they chose. Fortunately, being in the military made me get rid of any aspect of being a picky eater.

Before leaving his office, Dad called out to his secretary to get a VIP parking pass ready for me in case I wanted to come back.

Just like before, we reach the ground floor in no time. And like before, I hadn't even noticed that the elevator had moved at all. We made our way to the exit. I could see the beat-red Stella, who was nervously staring at us down as she poorly attempted to act as if nothing was wrong.

"You must get that charisma from your mother."

"Funny she said the same about you, not that she ever told me who you were." In front of us was a limousine and a mountain of a woman, who I could only assume was his chauffeur, who proceeded to open the door for Lorik to get in.

“Chuka this is Tararia. The woman who makes sure my head is still attached to my shoulder. Although she sometimes threatens to remove it herself."

"Like with this stupid idea to get to know your son." she scoffs at the statement, "I am certain that you will hear multiple people will tell you they told him it was a bad idea."

"Yeah, while refusing to give me a good one." my dad retorted.

"I did tell you to just go talk to him." Lorik shoos her off about the last comment before climbing in. After she gestured for me to get in.

"I will follow. I would prefer to be able to leave when I'm ready." Taraia nodded at closing the door before climbing into the driver's seat. as to when to retrieve my car.


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