Pandora Opens!
The Mythoverse Theogony Pandora is too dangerous for mortal eyes, and has been hidden by the gods within a jar, within a box, within another box, within a shipping crate, within a website. The story can be opened, verse by verse, only by community members working together (or by a few clever puzzle-solvers working on their own).
Each verse can be unlocked in three ways:
- Patron Goals will unlock the verse for all Patrons.
- General Goals will unlock the verse for everyone.
- Personal Challenges will unlock the verse just for you.
Thanks for your help, and good luck!
Status and Goals:
Verse 1: "The Spark"
- 1st Patron Goal: Unlocked!
- 1st General Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 5 World Anvil Followers.
- 1st Personal Challenge: Unlocks when you follow a link from the Mythology in Verse Homepage and enter a password that combines the number of gates in the City of Thebes with the name of Achilles's talking horse. (Hint: these answers can be found on the MiV site.)
Verse 2: "The Mastercraft"
- 2nd Patron Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 5 World Anvil Followers.
- 2nd General Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 10 World Anvil Followers.
- 2nd Personal Challenge: Instructions will appear on the Mythology in Verse Homepage when the previous goal is achieved.
Verse 3: "Nice Shot!"
- 3rd Patron Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 10 World Anvil Followers.
- 3rd General Goal: Unlocks when Mythology in Verse reaches 20 World Anvil Followers.
- 3rd Personal Challenge: Instructions will appear on the Mythology in Verse Homepage when the previous goal is achieved.
How many more poems to come? Only the gods know, and they're not telling!