
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Chapter 38 Chapter 39 Chapter 40 Chapter 41 Chapter 42 Chapter 43 Chapter 44 Chapter 45 Chapter 46 Chapter 47 Chapter 48 Chapter 49 Chapter 50 Chapter 51 Chapter 52 Chapter 53 Chapter 54 Chapter 55 Chapter 56 Chapter 57 Chapter 58 Chapter 59 Chapter 60 Chapter 61 Chapter 62 Chapter 63 Chapter 64 Chapter 65 Chapter 66 Chapter 67 Chapter 68 Chapter 69 Chapter 70 Chapter 71 Chapter 72 Chapter 73 Chapter 74 Chapter 75 Chapter 76 Chapter 77 Chapter 78 Chapter 79 Chapter 80 Chapter 81 Chapter 82 Chapter 83 Chapter 84 Chapter 85 Chapter 86 Chapter 87 Chapter 88 Chapter 89 Chapter 90 Chapter 91 Chapter 92 Chapter 93 Chapter 94 Chapter 95 Chapter 96 Chapter 97 Chapter 98 Chapter 99 Chapter 100 Chapter 101 Chapter 102 Chapter 103 Chapter 104 Chapter 105 Chapter 106 Chapter 107 Chapter 108 Chapter 109 Chapter 110 Chapter 111 Chapter 112 Chapter 113 Chapter 114 Chapter 115 Chapter 116 Chapter 117 Chapter 118 Chapter 119 Chapter 120 Chapter 121 Chapter 122 Chapter 123 Chapter 124 Chapter 125 Chapter 126 Chapter 127 Chapter 128 Chapter 129 Chapter 130 Chapter 131 Chapter 132 Chapter 133 Chapter 134 Chapter 135 Chapter 136 Chapter 137 Chapter 138 Chapter 139 Chapter 140 Chapter 141 Chapter 142 Chapter 143 Chapter 144 Chapter 145 Chapter 146 Chapter 147 The Phone Call Louise's First Costume When Keyla was Here A Day at the Garcia House The Keeper Sibling Bonds Once Upon a Time in High School Lillie's Recipes Lightning the Mentor A Miraculous Medical Aide Louise's Day Off An Ethereal Fairy Eternal Youth A Miracle Manifests Three Generals Deep Thoughts Over Lemonade A Miracle of Science Three Branches, Three Days Dreams of Heroes The Makings of a Thief Girl Time Wishing for More Courtney Larsen, Age 15 A Greenhouse Tour Odin's Evening The Keeper's Evening Cleo's Seventeenth Birthday Never to Thaw Again 2617's New Arx Techs Payday Party Prime's Board Game Party Temperature-Regulating Potions It's Not Missing If I Don't Miss It One Empty Glass The Worst of the Worst A Pair of Amateurs

Arx Nubibus
Ongoing 1263 Words

Chapter 138

1030 0 0

Conrad looked around the new building with a smile. Achilles had led them all here on Friday, and the new headquarters did not disappoint. Sleek flooring, a kitchen equipped with the latest appliances, luxury beds...

Ben had really gone all out. 

Too bad some of the others couldn't see it. Conrad understood why Lightning wasn't allowed in their new HQ. She'd been a problem and the Legion had needed to expel her. But, strangely, Rose and Jo weren't allowed to know about the new base either. 

Not that it really mattered. Achilles was the leader of the Legion, and he got to decide who was in or out. Everyone trusted him, and they all knew he had the best in mind for them. And, of course, there was Ben too. He obviously had a lot of love for the Legion if he was giving them a luxury building like this. It was even in the Residential District - third level! In a corner so they had a window view and everything. There was also an elevator nearby. 

It was a tiny bit small, but the adjacent apartments were also for their use as needed. Ben kept them locked now for security purposes, but if the Legion grew more, they'd have enough space. 

Conrad himself had just finished his patrol for that day, and he sat in one of the plush chairs and flipped on the TV. A cursory look through news stories showed that they were mostly talking about the Legion. On Thursday, they'd had another fight with Team Chaos, and then on Saturday, Whiplash and Twinblade had tried to rob a store. Both times, the Legion had intervened. Knight himself had actually helped with the Saturday robbery. He and Light Master had been on fire. 

And yet for some reason, people were criticizing them. On Thursday, apparently they'd caused too many civilian casualties. It was only two! And then on Saturday, while nothing bad had happened, there was still criticism. Something about leaving too many opportunities for civilian casualties. 

Did the military do any better? The Legion was protecting people! They were doing their best. As the only ones who could stand against the Miracle-powered villains, shouldn't they get more praise? 

It was frustrating, so Conrad switched to a fantasy show. Even though he knew that the entire thing was filmed in sets in Arx itself, the computer-rendered landscapes looked so breathtaking he wished he could see one for real. Rolling green hills, massive stone castles, deep valleys...

The main character ran across the landscape, a sword on his hip. The show happened to be his all-time favourite, and his hero persona had been based off of this very character. With his magical sword in hand, he fought off monsters and villains to protect his country. This was an early episode, but later on the hero would wed the princess and become the heir apparent to the throne. 

It was such a good story. Conrad had loved it since he was small. 

If only real life was so kind. His efforts may never really pay off. At least he still had the Legion with him if nothing else. As long as he wasn't alone, Conrad could keep on going. Continue on the path of a hero he'd longed for. 

As the episode drew to a close, Conrad noticed a flashing light on the common computer. Achilles was out right now, so he went to check on it. It could be urgent, so if anyone in the Legion saw the alert light, they were supposed to check on it. It was a new feature of the new HQ. 

Conrad opened the messages and frowned. An anonymous tip for them. It listed a day, time and address, with a short message to follow it. 

Sleeper will strike again. 

Sleeper...wasn't that the one thief Hot Rod had failed to catch the one time? A tricky criminal who could put anyone to sleep with a snap of his fingers. Apparently he'd reappear tomorrow morning. Conrad quickly opened up the Legion patrol schedule on his phone and scrolled through it. Rose was the only one scheduled to be on patrol at that time, so he decided to message the others and establish a game plan. 

One less criminal out on the streets would do everyone a favour. 


"Shit," Jase muttered under his breath. June was the only one around to hear him, so she moved up behind him and peered over his shoulder. 

"That looks bad," she said quietly as she took in the information displayed on his tablet. 

"At least we have the information too. Juney, can I ask you to take care of it?" 

"Sure. Who knows what those Legion maniacs will do?" 

Truth be told, June was a little excited about the whole thing. It would be her debut in her new Solstice costume, which had just finished. The high-contrast orange and black design made her happy, more so than her previous pastel blue and purple one. 

"Tomorrow at nine, huh?" Jase muttered. "Right after the store opens." 

More information popped up on the screen and June narrowed her eyes. 

"That looks like major trouble." Jase nodded with a sigh. 

"I was going to ask Ryder and Aubrey if they could go with you, but..." 

"Safer to keep them here. If Hot Rod's going to stop Amias, I'm the best one for the job." 

"Juney." Before she could float away, Jase grabbed her wrist. His hand went through her, but she stopped and looked at him. 


"Stay safe. Please. Whatever happens, make sure you protect yourself." 

June stared at him blankly for a bit, then nodded. 

She wouldn't be of any use to anyone if she was dead, after all. 


"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Amias asked, looking at Rayne over the table. 

"I should be asking you that," she replied with a laugh. 

"Of course I'm ready. We've been laying low for a bit too long." Amias stretched and sighed. 

"Do we need to go over the plan one more time?" 

"Couldn't hurt. Then again, we use almost the same plan each time." 

"And last time that Hot Rod freak almost killed you." 

"That's what the modifications are for. For one, the Legion is much more active in the afternoons. Going in the morning will reduce our risk of running into them." 

"Just make sure you stay on your toes," Rayne said. She toyed with her food, a slight frown on her face. 

"That goes for you too," Amias said. "Even if you're invisible, something could still go awry and land you in trouble. Unlike me, your power isn't suited for combat." 

"I know. I'll shut off the security cams and block the security systems. It should buy you a bit of extra time." 

"And I'll put them all to sleep as fast as possible so I have time to recharge in case any problematic persons stumble into our lovely shop." 

"It's not our shop," Rayne snorted. "We're just stealing from it." 

Amias held up his hands and laughed. 

A few moments passed before they both looked at each other seriously. 

"Any last minute changes?" Rayne asked. 

"None on my end. How about you?" 

"Good to go." 

Tomorrow's heist would be a quick in and out operation. Rayne would have the longer part, sneaking in and disabling the security systems, but the actual time they spent detected wouldn't be more than a couple minutes. 

The trick to getting away scot-free was making sure no one had time to catch you. 

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