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clayliford Progress Report

The Grave Town of Aklun

"Darkness in the Sunlit Vale..."

441 words


"Jewel of the West..."

1541 words


" The Fallen Outpost, Born Anew..."

853 words


"The Wizard Nation of Varuum"

361 words

Varuumae Corona

"The Peoples' City"

1336 words


"Arcane City of the Boorka..."

784 words

Progress & the Colleges of Wick

"Neutrality and Knowledge..."

1103 words

The Throat

"The land between..."

108 words


"The Sovereign Kingdom of Wyeth"

2792 words

Clarent Wyeth

793 words

Essendra Halbion

686 words

Mount Celene

The most glorious of all the wonders of the world, the holy mountain stands tall, providing a watchful vigil for the people of Hariel Majour, and Gothenya at large.

562 words


"The Capital of Divine Luck..."

703 words

The Freemantle

"The Heartlands, including The Thaw and The Sunlit Vale..."

917 words


"The Kingdom of the Solti"

777 words


"Last stop on the road to Celene..."

1391 words


2522 words


508 words

The Isle of Mitluvia

"Isle of the Living..."

1014 words

The Freecities, Hariel Minuta

"All is permitted..."

421 words


"Into the Shadowlands..."

332 words

The Gods of Gothenya

"Being an overview of the great pantheon of the primary Gods of Gothenya..."

1696 words

The Custodians

"Unmatched Keepers of all Knowledge..."

648 words

The Sundering

"The War that led to the Cataclysm"

1095 words

The Wastes of Veric

"Anvil of the Gods"

396 words

The Moonday of Syggos

"The Anniversary of The Sundering"

338 words

Greetings, Phrases, Etc...


730 words


"The Moving Haven..."

812 words


"City-State Under Sway of Eldritch God Kings..."

2859 words

Hex Chain

"The Protectorate of and from Magic..."

549 words

The Dullwood

"The dark, mutant forest of Celene..."

861 words


"The Last Bastion of Eastern Light"

431 words

The Thornblack Assassins' Guild

"Death for hire..."

180 words

Curson Drel

224 words

The Blight

"North of the Dullwood lie the spires of Celene..."

604 words

The Feywood

"Homeland of the elves..."

438 words


622 words


373 words


476 words


471 words


203 words


281 words

The Zero Lands

"The frozen north of Golthien..."

386 words

Dreeva Vaeless

5th lvl rogue swashbuckler and magic initiate. Captain of the Doubtful.

1488 words

Places & Races

"Being a campaign primer on the who's and where's of Gothenya..."

1194 words

Lord Vorliss

408 words

The Auction House of Angleport

"The Sacred Trust of the Custodians"

450 words

The King's Law, Wyeth, Regarding Magic

"How magic is regarded in the north..."

229 words

The Ultima Thule

"The frozen frontier..."

275 words

The Dread Compass

"Dark seekers of the lost..."

434 words


1566 words

The Churn

"The Deep Guardian of Celene..."

347 words

Half Elves

154 words

The Knitting Circle

"The hidden conclave of the north..."

1078 words

Thieves Guild of Zanzakkar

"The many hands of many races..."

211 words

The Rod of Ryktuss

173 words

Onyx Dog, Nicaro

51 words

Games of Chance

822 words


"The devout of Valimshae..."

604 words

Elimer River, North and South

"The Twins"

407 words

Lake Terrasque

"Lair of the Deep One..."

190 words


349 words

The Demon Isles

"The frozen fires of the Abyss..."

518 words

The Fate of the Gods

"Being an account of the fate of the gods, directly after the events of The Sundering..."

682 words

Dunlan Keep

"Stronghold of the Veterans..."

701 words

Blood Magic

499 words


"Death is not the end..."

1101 words

Opening Statement to My Players

1576 words

Xrie Palax

1035 words

The Game Masters of Varistane

"Eastern Lords of Coin and Fate..."

165 words


1005 words


991 words


"Gateway to the East..."

264 words

The Augurs of Will

"The Order of Disbelief..."

551 words

The Tower of Light

"Home of the Custodians..."

376 words

Talask and Sneg

352 words

Fumble Kyloop

254 words

The Underdark

"What lies beneath..."

689 words

Servitors of the Gods

The "Created" Races, Formed by the Gods...

651 words

The Sanguine Order

"The blood mages of Celene..."

712 words


"And it was, they said, at once a beautiful and mighty land, filled with wonders and dangers, oft the same. A time never to be seen again, for good and for ill."

2196 words


"The inhuman market..."

813 words

Brill Bral

280 words

Time Travel

370 words

Zelna Lencore

850 words

Kings' Barrow & Monument of Aranost

"Resting place of kings..."

277 words

Bleeders Bay & the Wreck of the Sea Elves

"What lies beneath the waves..."

644 words

Ruins of the First Men

"The Boon of Lumeria..."

488 words

Harnath Uul

"Kingdom of the Blight Dwarves..."

381 words

The Staying Hand

"Protectors of Celene..."

424 words


"The Seat of Democracy..."

452 words


"The Heart of Prosperity..."

178 words

Dwergferi (Dwarfmeet)

8th through 10th of Althannis

571 words

Campaign Overview & Story

"A short summary of the campaign and world of Gothenya..."

632 words

Pilligrost House

"A haunting in Bramble..."

1129 words

House of the Honored Dead, Angleport

"Where the dead speak..."

615 words

clayliford Progress so far

88252 words 882.52% completed!

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I'm a filmmaker based in Austin, TX (and LA). I've written and directed several fims, from MY MOM SMOKES WEED (Sundance 2010), to SLASH (SXSW 2016). Check out my features WUSS, EARTHLING, and SLASH on Amazon Prime!   clayliford and @DnD_Party on twitter I also run a D&D broadcast show called "D&D Party Tonite" on Austin Public Access (soon to be on Twitch)! UPDATE! Recently we have switched systems from D&D 5e to Dungeon Crawl Classics(DCC)! You'll be seeing a slight paradigm shift on the entries over the next few months. Thanks!

Favorite Movies

Brazil, The 400 Blows (and its sequels)

Favorite TV Series

The Wire

Favorite Writers

Harlan Ellison, James Ellroy, Phillip K Dick, Lynda Barry, Dan Clowes

Favorite Games

Dungeon Crawls Classics, AD&D, Old School Essentials, ICRPG, Lamentations of the Flame Princess

Latest Loved work

The Abyss


Atha - Hand of War

Senjō Region