Baklor Progress Report

Session 2 Report- 2022/08/27

As the party approaches the House of Healing, the scene looks a bit different than when you left the previous day.

3358 words

Session 3 Report- 2022/09/23

As the party goes down the lift, Telchar begins assessing the risk level of their descent. Is someone going to try and jump the party at the bottom?

2304 words

Session 4 Report- 2022/10/15

In the dark and moonless night, the party finds itself hundreds of feet above the tree tops in a strange land.

1078 words

Session 5 Report- 2022/10/29

Just as the party was to begin to interrogate the Orc, they heard a rustle under another of the bunk beds. All of the party, including the Orc, readied themselves for another battle.

1245 words

Session 6 Report- 2022/11/06

The party made it’s final preparations to burst into the Great Ulfe’s quarters and attempt to take him out

1384 words

Session 7 Report- 2022/12/03

Sending Bjoyn in as a Scout (with extremely good vision, and extremely BAD stealth!), he led the party down the stairs and into the cavern below.

2162 words

Session 8 Report- 2022/12/17

The party averts a Hunting Party, breaks into the Forge of Fury, and strikes a deal to get closer to slaying the Black Dragon known as Nightscale.

2839 words

The Rock of Bral

Bral is a city built on an asteroid. Its inhabitants, who hail from many worlds, typically refer to Bral as "The Rock". There is no other place quite like it in Wildspace.

3509 words

Underbarons of Bral

Four underbarons, each one equivalent to the master of a thieves’ guild, compete among themselves for greater shares of influence and income in the city.

552 words

Council of Captains

The Council is the most powerful of the civic bodies, controlling about 80% of the wealth of Bral.

213 words

Tears of Selûne

1346 words

The Noble Council

The nobility of Bral is a fractured group of wealthy landowners each pursuing his own goals. Some are powerful merchants, while others are dilettantes living off their ancestors' hard-earned fortunes.

95 words

Aric Cozar

The son of @[Calar](person:1cff02bb-e918-4ae6-9c93-f1074c60c897) and nephew of @[Prince Andru](person:685af2bf-8934-4c62-8c3c-7fd53072d8d5).

142 words


Lord Hastain is a @[Reigar](species:c87c9127-209d-48a2-8377-4bf0ca17e66f) who lives in a noble villa by the Edge. His home is an endless party of bizarre entertainments and undisguised depravity.

178 words

Basa Lianin

Basa is a tall young woman of about 25 with an abrasive manner. She is the lady of the House Lianin, a thriving merchant family founded by a pirate captain who was bought off by Cozar.

111 words

Kiade Ellodan

Kiade is the head of the only house of elven nobles on @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc), the House Ellodan.

131 words

Morgan Kullek

Morgan is a brilliant merchant and hides his formidable mind behind a sour attitude of bickering and complaint.

133 words

Arkan Nobrodukk

Arkan is the only dwarvish member of the Noble Council. A retired adventurer, he has held his position since Cozar's day.

128 words

Isandra Calanda

Isandra is a trim woman of 40 years with clean good looks and a warm personality. She made her money the old fashioned way—she inherited it.

92 words

Tarilia Moune

Tarilia was once a famous adventurer, a dashing swashbuckler with a lightning-quick rapier and an even quicker wit. A small, slim woman in her late fifties, age has scarcely touched her.

156 words

Talosa Baniasar

Talosa is a handsome young elf with a checkered career in crime and treachery. He is exceptionally slight and graceful, even for an elf, and possesses a sharp wit and even sharper tongue.

142 words


Daargaz is the leading representative of the Arcane on the Rock of Bral. While most cities are only briefly visited by the traders of Wildspace, the Arcane maintain a permanent presence on Bral.

151 words

Bianca Micharle

ianca is the Secretary to the @[Council of Captains](organization:a16de895-7aa9-4e0e-b259-a2235ccfec99), and acts as Andru's representative in the Council meetings.

156 words

Ambassadors To Bral

The Rock of Bral is home to one of the most diverse populations in all of Wildspace. Its open nature makes Bral the ideal site for dialogue and exchanges between all manner of races. Because of its size and importance, most known races maintain permanent

208 words


Ishathrandra is the head of the illithid embassy to @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc). This duty is considered extremely distasteful by most spacefaring mirid flayers, and Ishathrandra is in disfavor.

161 words


135 words

Saerig Tomojak

General Tomojak is a hero of legendary proportions to most giff, a leader to be followed and admired. He is a rather poor diplomat, but the considerable giff community follows his orders without hesitation.

169 words

Tareo Mosantas

Tareo is a slender half-elf at the height of his physical prowess, graceful and strong. He is the heir of the House Mosantas, a descendant of pirates and scoundrels.

143 words

Ellana Cozar

Ellana is a tall, beautiful woman in her fifties. She habitually dresses in black and is known for her regal bearing. She was the wife of @[Calar](person:1cff02bb-e918-4ae6-9c93-f1074c60c897).

144 words

Tiendor Alian

Tiendor is a handsome, rakishly dressed halfelf, who is one of Andru's closest advisors and friends. He has known Andru since the prince was a young lad and he has recently returned to Bral after and absence of many years.

128 words

The Unknowable One

Within the cavernous interior of the Rock dwells a mysterious member of the @[Underbarons of Bral](organization:4ad7f509-eb72-49a9-9561-4888f0804b55) who specializes in smuggling.

50 words

Captain Bral

87 words

Baklor Progress so far

24693 words 246.93% completed!

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