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MrFuFu Progress Report


They can be seen twitching, scratching and mumbling with their glassy eyed stares

293 words


Alchemists, or chemists mix strange ingredients concocting arcane recipes that continue to press the limits of reality

427 words


Anarchists do what they can to bring down the governance that oppresses them

281 words

Arms Dealer

Arms dealers provide the instruments of death for The Duskers, The Bluecoats, and The Imperial Military alike

317 words


Assassins are the blades in the dark

337 words


Bluecoats are the protectors of the citizenry of Doskvol, most of the time

349 words


Brokers are the all too necessary middlemen of The Dusk

370 words


Collectors gather trinkets or sets of curiosities

276 words


The Duskers who load, unload, and moor the ships that park in The Docks

312 words


Dog-handlers in the Dusk are somewhere between trainers and farmers

324 words


There is only one emporer in the Empire

274 words


Extortionists leverage threats for money

262 words

Factory Worker

Factory workers are the hands behind all the manufacturing and fabrication in Duskvol

303 words


Foremen run the workhouses and factories of The Dusk with iron fists

322 words


Fugitives are people wanted by someone

237 words

Gambling Purveyor

286 words

Gang Leader

Gang Leaders oversee the operations of the worst people in Doskvol

307 words

Gang Member

Gang Members are the scum and villains of The Dusk

257 words

Government Official

Whether it be a ministry head or district administrator, the job is the same, tie up everyhting in red tape

293 words


Gunsmiths are the inventive engineers who make the weapons that eventually find themselves on the streets of Doskvol

304 words


The Inspectors (aka “Constables”) investigate crimes and present evidence for warrants and trials

389 words


The last known King in the Empire was a figurehead put in place over Skovland

301 words

Leviathan Hunter

The leviathan hunters are the insane sailors who man the massive leviathan hunter ships that collect the blood of the leviathans

160 words

Lord Governor

The Lord Governor oversees Imperial interests in Doskvol

395 words


Insanity is all too common in The Dusk. Some minds are just not equipped for it

277 words


The Madams of Doskvol are the women who run the brothels

333 words


Mercinaries are soldiers for hire

253 words


The life of a noble is markedly different from that of the common Dusker

284 words


Cultists devote their lives to their forgotten gods

257 words

Pit Fighter

Pit fighters put up their bodies for the purse, the challenge, or the unmatched feel of the fight

313 words

Shop Owner

Whatever they might sell, more than half the price goes right out the door

375 words

Powder Dealer

The drug dealers of Duskwall provide the stupor and euphoria that many find necessary to survive in the remnants of this harsh world

304 words


Prisoners pass the time however they can until either their time is up or they get a pardon somehow

291 words


The last known Queen ruled over Skovland with King Aldric

260 words

Religious Leader

Religious leaders promise ease for the cost of devotion

317 words


Contraband transporters. They execute clandestine deliveries, territory control, and expeditions outside the city

333 words


They spread influence and make powerful friends for the families or companies they are tied to

302 words

Spirit Trafficker

Spirit Traffickers deal in the trapped souls of the dead

274 words


Spies steal and trade information

302 words


Tattoists imprint the images of sailors, gangs, and memories on the bodies of the Duskers

313 words

Tavern Owner

Bar owners provide socialization ond much needed escape for the citizens of Doskvol

285 words


Thieves take what is not theirs. they are common in Duskvol

285 words


The fire-fighters of the city

307 words

The Empty Vessel

A secret society and Forgotten Gods cult that preceded The Church of Ecstasy

166 words

Ward Boss

Ward boss is a person who owns or governs a small area of the city

227 words

Paige Turner

the famous and celebrated Author of the tragic love stories of the Shattered book series

150 words

Lady Bowmore

A socialite and member of one of the most powerful ruling families of Doskvol

154 words


...a possessor ghost

136 words

The Lost District

A once wealthy area, ravaged by plague then abandoned to the deathlands

261 words


Beyond the lightning barriers, the world is a wasteland of petrified trees, ash, and choking clouds of miasma

334 words

Ghost Field

the medium in which spirits exist

947 words


The moon looms huge and bright, swelling with each passing year, as if drawn ever closer by some terrible power

178 words

Spirit Well

A rift in the veil of reality where ghosts and other supernatural beings congregate

129 words


The ancient stars still hang in the black sky, though their arrangements sometimes swirl and change according to unknown principles of celestial motion

209 words


The sun was shattered in the cataclysm

178 words

Void Sea

During the cataclysm, the oceans turned to black ink

284 words

MrFuFu Progress so far

16394 words 163.94% completed!

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