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Freya G. Progress Report

Erasure Spells

148 words

The Loss of Magic

155 words

The Living Forest

197 words


983 words

Bonding Spells

571 words

Freya G. Progress so far

2054 words 20.54% completed!

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Favorite Movies

Lord of the Rings & the Hobbit, Avatar, Princess Bride, Alien, Eragon (just let me like it pleaseee)

Favorite TV Series

Hannibal, Doctor Who, Futurama, Demon Slayer

Favorite Books

2001: A Space Odyessy, Lord of the Rings & Hobbit, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Eragon, Dune

Favorite Games

Horizon Zero Dawn & Forbiden West, Rachet & Clank, MineCraft, Destiny

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