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Summer Camp 2019

Somewhere in your setting, describe
Write about a popular card, dice or board game in your world and how it is played.
A total of 241 entries

Chir-Kal - The Fool's Errand

Underground Movement (Dice Game)

Creatures and Caverns (game)

Reliquary : Cards, Gems and Strategy

Troublesome Elements(dice game)

(the simpler version) Camru War (why is this classed as a ritual?)

The Monster Chest Card Game

Witch Chess (Lex'tid Aranaa)

Queens Gambit / Queens Folly

Knuckle Runner, The game of chance

Policy of Honesty: The Party Game

Walk The Plank (Card Game)

Vier Engel, ein Teufel (Kartenspiel)